Chapter Thirty One

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 I slowly opened his eyes. Once they were fully opened, I looked around at my surroundings. "I'm..I'm in the hospital?" I asked as it came out in a question. I looked down at his clothes and seen  I was wearing what he wore when I had entered the hospital. I slid down one side of  my shirt and didn't seen anything on  my chest, nor his upper arms.

"Uh.." I said, scratching  my head and continuing to look around.




"Hello?" I called out, startled. I looked straight at the hospital room door. " someone out there?"  I asked as  I began to climb out of the the bed. Slowly and cautiously, I began to make my way to the door.  I placed  my hand on the doorknob and twisted it open.  I stepped out into the empty hallway. It was dead silence. You didn't hear any doctors talking, patients moaning and groaning in pain, you didn't hear visitors in rooms talking and such.

"Oh my I in a horror movie?" I smiled as he folded his arms across his chest. I began to say something else but the lights cut out.


 I quickly searched around in  my pockets, searching for  my phone. "Come on..come on"  I groaned to  myself as continued to search around. "Where the hell is my-"


Jacob quickly looked up and looked down the hallway and seen a dark figure, holding his phone. His eyes grew wide as he continued to look down the hall. Who ever is was, unlocked his phone and began swiping through it.

"The lights shinning on you..but I can't see you.." Jacob said aloud to himself. 

"Come closer then"

Hesitant,  I began slowly moving closer. Each time  I got closer I regretted moving ahead. "Look, I don't want any trouble..I just want my phone back.."

"Come and get it"

Slowly but surely  I made it up to the dark figure. He handed me the phone and  I snatched it back. I looked up to see who it was that had my phone and gasped. "Dad?"I said, shocked.

" look old now" he laughed at me. I continued standing there, looking confused. "I..uh..what?" I said, shaking his head. "Why..why am I seeing you? I know I'm not having a panic least I don't think I am"

"You did have one" he said, with his head down.

" do you know?" I asked, still very confused.

"You had a panic attack..three days had a panic attack..I know because I watch over you. I watched over you while I was alive and I still watch after you in the after life" he told  me.

I looked at my father with a shocked face. "Well, since you're watching over me..where am I now?" he asked, raising his arms up then slapping them down to his sides.

"Mentally or physically?"

"Physically..."  I slowly agreed.  Dad grabbed  my hand and squeezed it tightly. He began leading the way down the hall, that seemed never ending. Finally,  we made it to the hospital room. The door slowly opened and there I laid, pale as can be, with  my eyes closed shut. 

"Why do I look terrible?"  I asked, then looked back at  my father. "You went unconscious. You lost alot of blood, Jacob" Dad told me.  I gulped hard and walked into the room he looked at  myself, just laying there with a breathing machine on my face.

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