Chapter Thirty

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Rayan P.O.V

I sat inside the cold hospital anxiously and furious. My hands were balded up tightly as my right leg continued to jump. My eyes began to slightly burn as tears began to form.

"When I say Leigh-Anne needs to burn in hell, I mean she needs to burn in hell" Try told G with a serious face. He didn't have have his usual goofy face on.

"Ty, don't say that about your sister" Ariana said as she sat across from him.

"Uh, step sister and yes, she does need to burn in hell. I thought you would've agreed since she shot up your best friend" Try snapped.

"TYLER" G exclaimed, hitting him in the chest. Ariana looked over and shook her head in disgust. "Do you realize how fucking rude that was? You sicken me." Ariana told Ty. "Ariana just stop talking to Ty" he murmured to her. Ariana looked away and Try did the same.

I looked up after all the talking was done. "Oh Flow" G said in a low tone. She got up and sat next to me. "Are you okay? You haven't said anything since we've been here." G asked.

Do you think I'm okay? Well, for one thing my fucking boyfriend was shot five times, lost a lot of blood, went unconscious and  now in the back of the hospital fighting for hisl ife. Am okay? Oh yes! I'm perfect!

"Yeah, I'm alright" I sighed, cleaning my face off. "I just wishes he makes it okay" I said as my voice began cracking. G pulled me in for a tight hug. There, I cried into her neck as I held onto tightly. Suddenly I heard other cries from the background. Guess my sob caused others.

"It's gonna be okay, Rayan. Jacob is a fighter. He's gonna pull through" G told me as she pulled away from our hug and clenched onto my shoulders. She looked me dead in my eyes and I looked back into her watery, red eyes.

I didn't say anything, I just looked away. She rubbed me on the back and then made her way back next to Ty.

"Man, I wishes they let us go back there" Trevor said aloud. That's when suddenly a thought came to mind. "I'm gonna go back there" I said, staring up at absolutely nothing. "Excuse me?" Ariana said. "Doctor said Justins only allowed back there" she added. I raised my eyebrow at her and smirked.

"And Rayan is allowed back there" I replied. She looked at Trevor confused and G and Ty looked at each other confused. I casually got up from my chair and looked around. People at the desk were busy taking phone calls, other nurses were helping injured people that came in and the other people sitting in the waiting room weren't paying attention to us. I looked down the hall Jacob was sent to and made my way down there. The others called my name, trying to get me to come back, but I wasn't turning around and I knew they were to chicken to get me.

I picked in every single room. So far I didn't see a curly headed, lightskin laying in bed. 

"Where is he?" I said to myself, standing in the middle of the hall.


I quickly turned around and seen Justin sticking his head out of the room. "What are you doing here? The doctors let you come back here?" he questioned. "Eh, something like that" I mumbled, scratching my hair. I hurried into the room and looked at Jacob. 

There he laid looking absolutely lifeless. He had a white bandage wrapped around the top of his left arm and one over his chest. They were both bloody. He also had a oxygen mask on him.

"How is he doing?"

"Well" Justin sighed. "When they finally arrived at the hospital he realized what just happened to him and he had panic attack. He was already weak from the loss of blood and the panic attack didn't make it any better. He passed out..and now he's laying here. I'm just waiting for him to wake up" Justin said looking at Jacob. Justin began crying after looking at him.

"Can you stay in here for a second? I have to go call my mother." Justin murmured as he covered his face up. "Yeah, go ahead".

Justin left the room and I sat beside Jacob. I stared at him waiting to see if he do anything out of the ordinary. Instead he just laid there while the machine beeped.

I grabbed his hand, which were cold, and held onto it tight. "Jacob...I'm sorry I didn't come to protect you. I should've chased after you once you ran out of the building and made you come back inside." I said in a soft tone as I looked at him as my eyes began to burn. "Jacob..I'm sorry" I said, trying to keep my tears in. But sadly, I failed. I broke down crying, with my head on the side of his bed.

"Jacob..I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This is my whole fault and I feel terrible." I said crying even harder than before.

"Stop cryin'"

"What?!" I said, shooting my head up extremely quick.

"Stop, your making me cry" he said in a low, hoarse voice. I looked up at his eyes and cleaned away the tears that were trickling down. "I'm sorry" I slightly laughed as I whipped the corner of my eyes. I reached up to Jacob face and kissed him lightly on the lips. He smiled for a quick second, then it   slowly went away.

"What happened?" Jacob groaned as he tried to sit up. "NO! NO! Lay down..I don't want you hurting yourself more.." I quickly said, jumping up. "I guess" he scuffed.

" got shot..five times. Three in the arms and twice in the chest" I told him holding his hand. "Leigh-Anne little workers did it...the same guys who beat me up" I pointed out to him.

Jacob sighed. 'Why won't she stop..?' he asked with his voice getting lower.

"I don't know..hopefully they catch her and her little boys..but don't think about Leigh-Anne" I told him, touching one of his curls.

"Yeah..I should be thinking about why I'm not dead yet" Jacob said with voice getting dry.

"Jacob aren't going to die" 

" are you sure?" he said struggling getting his words out. I gave Jacob an annoyed voice and he raised his right eyebrow slightly. I looked at his white bandages for a second, the squinted my eyes. "Jacob..oh my god.." I quickly said.

"Whaaa..?" he said as his eyes struggled to stay open.

"Your bandages..they're all're bleeding still! YOUR BANDAGES ARE ALL BLOODY..THE SHEETS ARE TOO" I quickly said.

"Whaaa..they..said I wa..was don" 

"Oh my god..I need a nurse..a doctor" I said panicking. I ran to the door, sticking my head out the door, screaming for help. Suddenly, the nurses ran in, pushing past and going over to Jacob.

Once again..everything moved slow.

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