Chapter Fifteen

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Rayan P.O.V

I walked up to Jacob's apartment door and looked at it a really long time. Am I really about to work with the person I have had serious problems with? What is we disagree on some shit then go off on each other again?

Think positive, Rayan. Noting is going to happen. You two are just going to brainstorm some idea's on a story then probably start writing. Everything is going to be perfectly fine.

I took a deep breath then knocked on Jacob's apartment door. 

"Jacob, get the door! I think it's that person you're writing with! What-"



"I DIDN'T YELL I JUST TOLD YOU TO GET-Fine, Justin, could you please open the door"

My eyes widened in shock. I thought he was just rude to me.

The locks unlocked and the door swung open. "Hello, I'm Justin" he smiled. "Jacob's older brother"

"I'm Rayan" I replied with a slight smile. Justin looked back at Jacob and Jacob looked away mumbling some curse words. "Look, Jacob's pretty irritated about something" Justin told me not taking his eyes off Jacob. "I apologize if he goes off on you anytime soon...oh and I apologize for the things he's done in the past too" he told me when he turned around.

"Uh, Ok thanks" I grinned.

"OK, so you guys do your thing while I go out and do my thing" he laughed. "Is two hours enough for you guys?"

"That's plenty of time" I reassured him.

"Alright great! See you guys later" he said to both of us and walked out of the apartment. I locked the door for him then looked over at Jacob. He was sitting on the edge of the couch, looking out of the window.

"Hey, Jacob" I mumbled as I walked toward the couch. He didn't say anything, all he did was wave weakly at me. We sat in silence for a good 20 minutes after that. All you could hear was both of us breathing and some people moving around in the hallway.

"Uh so Jacob, I was thinking we could do this story on how this boy and girl switch-"

"No" he said cutting me off.

"Excuse me/" I asked.

"That's stupid as fuck and we aren't doing that" he snapped, shaking his head.

"You didn't even let me finish what I was going to say" I tried to say calmly. I didn't want to go off and beat the shit out of this kid.

"I don't need to finish I already know it's stupid" he said, rolling his eyes. 

"Well at least I have a fucking idea. At least I thought long and hard about this idea instead of sitting around like a depressing piece of shit" I argued.

Whelp, there goes not being nice to him.

He squinted his eyes and me and I continued to go off on him.

"If I were you, I would listen to what I have to say because I have the IDEAS and YOU don't! But noooo, cut me off and call my idea stupid!" I continued. He looked away and shook his head.

"And just because you're in a shitty mood, don't come at me or your brother! You should be lucky you have him, he could just up and leave you. Is that what your parents did? They got sick of your shit and sent you with your brother?" I asked.

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