Chapter Twenty Nine

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Rayan P.O.V

I sat on the floor, with my head down. Why did Jacob have to go and make a big scene?  How come he couldn't be calm about this?! He was the main one telling me to be calm about it but noooOoOOoOoO he goes and freaks out!

"Should we go get him?" G asked, getting up from the couch.

"No, just let him get fresh air and stuff..he needed to do it" Justin said, rubbing his temples. After that it was dead silent. It was so quiet you'd hear a pin drop.

I was waiting for someone to start asking questions about Jacob and I. By the looks of  it, I was going to have to start the talking. "Nobody wants to say anything? Not talk about us? Call us disgusting? Stupid? Or no one want's to 'awe' about it? Congratulate us? Come on, y'all are killing me" I said jolting my head up and looking around at everyone.

"When did you guys start dating?" Ariana asked, clearing her throat. 

"About 3 weeks." I told her quickly, waiting for another question.

"Have y' know" Ty started. "Ty don't ask that question!" Everyone exclaimed.

I closed my eyes and sighed.  "No we haven't Ty. I don't plan on it happening anytime either..." I answered. Ty nodded, slightly blushing.

"Are you guys happy?" Trevor asked me. I looked at him for a second and started smiling.  "Yeah, we're pretty happy" I laughed, looking down. 

"We always share laughs, hold hands, he surprises me with kisses...sometimes we just act like the close friends we were before we began dating" I continued looking up. G and Ariana were both smiling like idiots.

"AWWWWWWWW!" they both exclaimed as they looked each other. The guys and I laughed at them as they continued to squeal to each other.

"And yeah, Jacob and I are dating." I said, getting up from the couch. "You guys aren't..disgusted or..

"Rayan, I'm glad you're happy with Jacob. If our homie Flow is happy, G and I are happy for you" Ty smiled, wrapping his arm around G. "Ty's right" she smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "NOW COME OVER HERE AND GIVE US A HUG!' She shouted, jumping up and wrapping her arms around me.

"We're glad you and Jake are happy, too" Trevor said looking at Ariana. "Yeah, we love seeing Jacob happy" she added with a smile. 

I looked over at Justin and nodded. "As long as Jake is--"


Everyone jumped once the first gun shot went off. We all ducked and got low just in case someone decided they wanted to start shooting at windows and such.


My eyes got wide once I heard the frightened voice shout those words. I had feeling what just happened, but I didn't want to believe it.

"Who is that outside?" Justin asked with fear in his voice.

"Leigh-Anne" I whispered to myself. I quickly pulled away from G, and darted down the apartment stairs. Soon, everyone else followed behind me to see what was wrong.

As soon as I came outside, there laid Jacob on the ground, screaming for dear life as he laid on his side. My eyes grew wide and my heart began beating fast when I seen him there screaming and crying.

"HELP ME! FUCKING HELP ME! THEY SHOT ME..THEY SHOT ME!" Jacob cried out. His face was filled with sweat and tears. Blood had been forming around Jacob as he laid their twitching on the ground. "Jacob..oh my..oh my god...WHO DID THIS?" Justin screamed as he dropped down on the ground.

I slowly looked ahead and seen a group of guys running away and Leigh-Anne standing there, crying and staring at us.

"I DIDN'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, I SWEAR! I FUCKING SWEAR" She screamed once I marched up to her. "PLEASE, DON'T HURT ME! I'M SORRY!!" She shouted, tears and snot running down her face. I balled my fists up tightly, wanting to hurt her so bad.

"WHY IS JACOB LAYING ON THE GROUND, WILL A POOL OF BLOOD AROUND HIM?' I shouted looking at her then back at Jacob. Justin was frantically on the phone while Trevor, Ty and G surrounded Jacob.

I looked back at her with my bottom lip trembling. "Why...did you do this?" I asked her. She still stood there, crying a waterfall. "ANSWER ME!" I shouted, causing her to jump.

"I didn't mean for this to get this far..I swear. The guys were only supposed to beat him up..I DIDN'T EXPECT THEM TO SHOOT JACOB! I PROMISE!" She told me. She grabbed her face, making me want to look her in the face. "I PROMISE!" she told me again. 

"GET THE HELL OFF ME, LEIGH- ANNE!" I yelled, pushing her away. I looked her up and down and ran my way back over to Jacob. I could still feel Leigh-Anne staring over at us, watching us freak out and cry over Jacob.

When I walked over to Jacob everything began moving slower. The sirens you heard coming towards us sounded slow too. I looked up at Leigh-Anne as she tried to run once the police officers pulled up in front off the apartment.

Suddenly, I felt something grab hold of  my hand tightly. I looked down and seen Jacob's hand.

"Jacob...oh my god...e-e-everything is going to be fine, don't worry" I told him, squeezing his hand too. He struggled trying to keep his eyes open. His mouth was open, he was trying to tell me something. "Shhh, I need you to save your breath

"GUYS WATCH OUT, THE AMBULANCE IS HERE!" Justin shouted. Everyone else but me moved away. I wasn't leaving Jacob's side.

"RAYAN MOVE!" Trevor shouted.

"NO! NO! NOOOOO!" I screamed as Ty and Trevor tried to pull away. Sadly, they succeeded. 

The paramedics quickly jumped our of their truck, and ran over to Jacob. They tried talk to to him to see if he would respond. He could barely talk and keep his eyes open. 

The rolled their stretcher out and quickly placed Jacob on it and rolled him into the truck and quickly drove off with the siren extremely loud.

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