Kin no Hana

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Kaizo POV
"Ani-san, can I speak to you?"

Fang asked me in Japanese. We speak in Japanese every time we share secrets that Lahap can't know. I told Lahap to continue his work while I went to my chamber.

"What is it?" I asked him back in the same language.

"Something stranhe happened just now." He told me. I listened to him tentively.

He told me what had happened. About a godly man descending from a cloud from the sky. Which means...

"He's someone from Heaven?" I tried asking him.

"I don't know. Should we ask Oni-san?" He asked.

"Wait first. But now, there is an order for you." I suddenly remembered.

"From who?"

"Oni-san. It's just recent." I replied.

"What is it?" Pang asked.

"Our Royal Mother dropped her tear to Earth." I told him.

"And?" Pang asked eagerly.

"I located where it is. At Pulau Rintis."

"Kin no Hana? Just where I am now?" Pang asked.

"Yes. That's why Oni-san ordered you and I to protect it." I told him.

"When are you coming?"


"You better disguise yourself as a human. Ir's definitely uncommon for a human to have red eyes."

"Of course I have my disguise ready. My sweet little brother." I smirked.

"You better be." He said before disconnecting our call.

I called Oni-san next five seconds later after Pang called me. Within seconds, our calls connected.

"What is it Kaizo? Have you told Fang?" Oni-san asked.

"I've told him. Have you found the whereabouts of Gin no Hana and Seidou no Hana?" I asked.

"Yeah. One is in Akihabara and one is in Shibuya."

"Both are in Tokyo, huh?"

"We'll take care of those two flowers. You and Fang protect Kin no Hana."

"Yes sir. By the way, Fang sent in a report." I remembered.


I told him everything about he man Fang told me. I could hear my brother slightly clenched his jaw.

"What now, Oni-san?" I asked.

"The man that Fang spoke is suspicious. If he ever comes back, alert me at once."

"Yes sir."

"But for now. Focus on not everyone know about Kin no Hana. Protect it in the name of Heaven."

"Of course sir."

"We would not want another massacre like last time."

I fell silent over that thought.

"Of course, sir."

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