The Others are Here

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Kaizo POV
Man, what's with those masked men just now?

If they are after the flower, I kind of get it. We are the only ones that can summon the flower though.

"Yo guys." Fang said as we connected the call to Kouichi and the others.

"Gin no Hana is fine. What about you guys?" Victor asked.

"We went to check it out, but some masked men got in the way."

"You guys ok?" Takumi asked.

"Ok. The flower's ok too." Fang said.

"Change of plans here guys." Oni-san brought everyone's attention back.

"The flower isn't safe anymore. We will need everyone here." I said.

"So we're coming here?" Sayaka asked.

"Yes. Don't forget the Gin no Hana as well." Oni-san said.

"Yes sir."

"I think we''ll be there by midday tomorrow. Send us the coordinates of where you guys are." Subaru said.

"Alright. I'm sending it right away." I said as I went to another screen and typed in the coordinates.

"Well then. See you guys." Oni-san said as he disconnected the call.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Marie gave you two this." Oni-san suddenly recalled something and went to his bag to fish something out.

It was a pink little bag with a bell and some writings on it. It was one of Marie's charms.

"Her charm, huh? I will thank her for that." Fang said as he looked at the charm.

"It's really nice. And cute." I said and played with the bell of it.

"You can thank her. She is our Goddess of Luckiness, isn't it?" Oni-san chuckled.

"And you are our God of The Sky, aren't you, Ken-sama?" Fang said.

"Same goes for you, God of The Ice and Snow?" I said.

"What about you? God of Unluckiness? I'm still surprised humans worship you." Fang said.

"Just to make sure they don't fall under my curse of unluckiness." I said darkly.

"No wonder Marie is there to save the day." Fang said.

"Now now. Humans worship us because of a reason, right?" Oni-san calmed us.

"Yeah. They worship me just for a good weather for their crops. How nice." Fang said boredly.

"But it's nice seeing witches dancing and offering you all sorts of nice food." I said.

"Don't they do that to you too?" Oni-san asked.

"Yeah. But they really should stop beating those drums. I prefer them with a candle or maybe a Tamagushi." I said.

"Haha. Funny, all of you. Now get to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow." Oni-san chased us out of his room.

Wow, thanks bro.

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