Case File 9: Nocturnal Cave-In

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Hey everyone! In this episode, somebody gets the surprise of their life. Enjoy~......

[I thought the weekends were supposed to be relaxing. How I was wrong~! So here I am with everyone in the bullpen; at 6 in the morning. On a Saturday. Just before hell broke loose.]










Everyone cringed by my sudden outburst.

"She's taking the news, well," Nick implied. 


"Sorry, sir--its just.....I've never done something like this. And I haven't been briefed on its background." 

"I admit that sending you there, is a risky task...but its best that you learn to adapt to the surroundings, if any crime occurs."

"And're surprisingly calm." I referred to my partner as he sat near Randal. 

"This is an honor....I don't know anyone who's ever gone down there."

"No one, huh?" I deadpan. 


The chief threw a backpack to me.

"You'll have the essentials; food, water, first-aid, flashlight with batteries--and backup batteries...and other things I've personally recommended. When you need to update its status and civilians. Understand?"

"Sigh~...crystal-clear." I slung the bag over my shoulder.

"Good. You can head to these coordinates and wait for your escort to come."

"On it." I saluted.

"Good luck, Sapphire."

"Have fun."

"Take pictures." I playfully rolled my eyes as I left. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Thanks for babysitting Tojirou, George." I heard Mr. Saber chuckle on the other line of my phone.

[My pleasure. And be careful, you might get lost...]

"Duel noted." I hung up.

[Although, my destination didn't expect to be below the rainforest, near a riverbed. I waited for the said escort longer than I thought.]

"Its been ten minutes...maybe I came too early."


Suddenly, I hear a voice echo around me. I looked around, but no one was near me. 

"You must be Officer Lovell~" Again the voice came. 

"Um~yes...I...--can I ask who I'm speaking to?" 

[Maybe a ghost?]


"That would be me."

"Woah!" I stumbled back when a mammal swooped in. 

"Oh, forgive me. I forgot that most don't see mammals like us out in the open." I looked up to see a.....

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