Case File 21: Surfing For Justice

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Hey guys. Sorry if the title is corny, but I didn't know what to call this. I hope you like it. 

They didn't know why this was happening. They could only stare. One was looking the other way, while the other was trying to get their attention. This is a fight, perhaps; a little dispute between a couple. Although, they never would expect to see someone other than Judy and Nick in an argument. No, they were watching as well from the cubicle they shared. 

"I said I was sorry. I didn't mean it."

"The fact that it still happened, doesn't make up for it."

"Never saw Sapphire act so strict towards Martin," Judy implied.

"Yeah," Randal nodded.

"Its more like Martin is begging for her to throw in the towel," Nick thought.

"How long have they been fighting, Fangmeyer?"

"About two days," the tiger looked at his watch, "four hours and~...fifteen minutes."

"Seriously, it was an accident," Martin protested, "you can't keep acting like this forever."

"And you're going to need more than an apology." 

Sapphire ignored him as she looked through the files.

"Come on~"

Martin sighed, rubbing his head.

"I don't usually get into fights, but after embarrassing me, I think I lost most of my dignity and respect for you." 


The chief walked over to her.

"Yes, sir?"

"You need to get going."

"Going? Where?" 

"Undercover. Bye chief." 

Sapphire kept her gaze forward, avoiding the tiger. As she left, Martin could only groan as his ears droop.

"I forgot how stubborn she is."

"You two having a spat? That's rare."

"Sorry sir, its just... nothing. Forget it." 

Bogo raised his eyebrow. 

"You do remember our little discussion, right?" 

Martin stiffened, his tail straightened out in fear as he stared at his boss's unamused look.

"So... where is she going?"

"If you must's at the beach just outside Sahara Square. She's solving an illegal drug trade case that's been long overdue." 

The chief left them, leaving Martin a daze. His mind was running in circles, unaware of his friends approaching him.


Randal waved a paw at his face.

"She let her go undercover? Alone? At the beach?"

"He trusts her enough to go alone," Daniel implied. 

Martin got a bad feeling about this. Him and Sapphire rarely take a case by themselves. 

"I'm going."


"Martin, I don't think that's a good idea," Fangmeyer implied, "you two aren't on good terms right now, and following her behind her and chief's back is a major mistake."

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