Prologue(Part Two of Two)

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The War Of Destruction they called it. It's called that cause if no treaty was made when it was, it would have destroyed the realm.

During this war each side had it's fair share of wizards. But before this war wizards were respected by every Kingdom.

What happened to those days?

The war changed everything. Wizards were seen as tools of mass destruction. They were captured, caged, abused, and drained fully of their magic then died. So many wizards were killed that the magic population dropped to almost zero.

Advance a few years and rumor of a wizard Psyra Princeling spreads across the realm. With this news the Dusaro and the Elidin Kingdoms felt threaten by the new wizard. So they spent time and money on hiring assassins to kill the Princeling.

But this is the Psyra Kingdom we are talking about. They knew the risks once the Prince was confirm to be a wizard, they knew the dangers. So they automatically made it so the Prince had protection twenty-four seven till he old enough to defend himself.

But even the Prince has had slips up since he grew older and turned 18. With his magic growing stronger by the second, the more likelihood of him giving himself a magic overdose grows as well.

The citizens love their Prince because most see the beauty in his magic, but others see death and destruction.

While the Prince is getting closer and closer to getting the throne of Psyra, he longs for the day that he sees another wizard.

But his father, King Izic, has other plans for the Prince.

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