| The Silver Lining | Sneak Peek

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Here is the last sneak peek into The Silver Lining! With Corrupted Royalty coming to an end, it feels weird not writing a setosorcerer book all the time. He is like...I mean he is my favorite! That last sneak peek, that was people bullying Seto if you didn't get the point and thought I was insulting you which I wasn't. So here it is.


I remember a time when everyone looked up to Seto. Everyone respected him because of the sacrifices he made to save us all when we all thought it was the end of magic. He was a hero, he is a living legend. Although as the time went on, the respect he had earned dwindled down into disrespect.

Seto is one of the most powerful wizards, but he also happens to be one of the poorest. And during this day and age if you don't have money, you are the equivalent to the dirt on the ground. He lived on the streets and ate want he could hunt or afford, which wasn't very much. Hunting is efficient, but not in the winter. We aren't really at war anymore, he was in the frontlines so now he has no job or place to live. And he is one of my closest friends, but he's too stubborn to be handed money. He rather work for it. But he was never given the chance, we teach our apprentices to show respect to masters. But they think Seto is just an old broken relic wanting to be pounded down more.

It's my fault he is miserable. I gave him a job, he took it and thirteen years later.....he is more miserable and has the same amount of money he had before the job. But I can't throw him out onto the streets again, he has done so much for me. I asked him to teach magic but apprentices don't want to learn magic from him. Especially his latest apprentice; Taran; had a real affect on him. Taran wanted to be Seto's apprentice but she was forced to switch masters. Seto said it didn't bother him.....but I know it did.

He's always wanted to graduate an apprentice himself....but his apprentices barely last the first month before they quiet or are forced out. He wants to quit this job, he says he hates it and doesn't want to fail anymore people. He says he wants to go back to always starving and barely sleeping. Apprentices these days have no respect for Seto because of the fact he can only just afford a loaf of bread.

But I bet if they saw how badass Seto was back in the day, they would respect him again. Because money isn't everything in the wizard world. The only thing that matters is how powerful you are. And Seto isn't a living legend for no reason...

But I decided to switch things up this year. I own the school, I decide who has who. I was a little iffy about her at first, I didn't think she could handle how difficult Seto's teaching can be. But I think she will be able to handle herself and maybe she might change Seto back to himself....back to the person that didn't hesitate to help the wizard world when it was in danger. Maybe she can get Seto back into the hero he once was. Because I miss that side of him.


Coming out May 6th

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