Chapter 13

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Prince Seto's P.O.V
"Are we there yet Seto?" Amarisa thought.

"I don't know!" I thought back. Jackson, Amarisa, and I are waiting at some docks. But why? I look over at Jackson. There are a lot of mortals around and I'm so hoping no one recognizes me. Amarisa is invisible right now, cause if she was visible, I would be dead!

"What are we doing?" I ask her.

"Waiting." Jackson said.

"For what?" I ask.

"Since you lost your key, you have to go my way through. So deal with it." She said. I hear talking, those voices are familiar.

"Seto. It's Prince Shay!" Amarisa thought. My eyes widen. Oh sh*t. I pull my hood down lower.
I feel Amarisa push herself against my legs.

"What are they doing?" I thought.

"Getting on a ship. Probably going home." Amarisa thought. Well I would expect that.

"There's our ride. To Dusaro Kingdom." Jackson said. I bite my bottom lip back. Oh no! Oh no!

"Seriously?" I whisper. She looks at me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Seto we're going to get caught big time if we go onto that ship with the Prince and Juliet on board." Amarisa thought.

"I know! But how else are we gonna get to Laendur?!" I thought back.

"Find another wizard. If you get discovered, we won't have anywhere to run expect for the brig!" Amarisa thought. I grip my hood a little in my hand.

"Is there a problem?" She asks.

"No. No. Why do we need to go to Dusaro Kingdom?" I ask her.

"Because that's where the gate is to Laendur is, duh." Jackson said. She grab my arm and we go on board. "Don't worry Seto. There is a place where this crew and their stupid Prince would never look that I always hide in." I smile a little. At least she agrees with me.

"Amarisa are you here?" I thought.

"No I'm not going onto that ship. You know I hate water!" Amarisa thought. My eyes widen.

"AMARISA GET YOUR FURRY ASS ON THIS SHIP NOW!" I thought. I look at the dock not seeing her anywhere. I see the sails go down and I run to the side. "Amarisa!"

"No!" She thought. They knock the bridge off and we start moving away from the dock. There she is! I grab the railing. Jackson grabs my arm pulling on it.

"Amarisa, are you here?" I thought.

"No..come back to the dock Seto! Don't leave me behind!" Amarisa thought. I'm just gonna jump overboard.

"Amarisa! Prince Seto is near!" A guard from the dock yelled.

"Prince?" Jackson asks. I grip the railing as I see guards come for Amarisa. My eyes glow purple. That's not happening.

"Jackson, teleport us to the dock." I said.

"Wait Prince?! Wh-"

"Now damnit!" I shouted. Jackson grabs my arm and we teleport onto the docks. "Percute Ignis." Fire shoots out of my hands and hit the guards making them either fall on the dock or into the bay. I grab Amarisa. "Jackson." I look over at her. She grabs my arm and we teleport onto a ship. The sailors back up looking at us. I clench my fists and Amarisa jumps on deck. I look at Jackson again. "This has to be the worst place to teleport to Jackson!"

"Sorry! There was pressure! I don't do well under pressure!" Jackson said. Clearly!

"Seto?" Someone asks. A hand grabs my arm and Amarisa hisses. I turn halfway meeting eyes with Juliet.

"Juliet." I said.

"How..How are you here?" She asks.

"I'm sorry Seto! This is all my fault!" Amarisa thought.

"No! No it's okay. We'll figure this out Amarisa. You need to stick with me, I don't want anything happening to you. Got it?" I thought back.

"Got it." She thought cowering behind my legs as spears come out pointing at us.

"We were told you cleaved when you fled Psyra." Juliet said. So that's the lie Izic came up with.

"No I didn't cleaved. I got myself out of there for good reasons." I said. Juliet lets go of my arm. And before Prince Shay comes. I look at Jackson. "We need to get off this ship before Prince douchebag comes."

"Before I what Prince?" Prince Shay asks coming next to Juliet.

"Damn." I said to myself. I look at Shay. "Mind if we have a ride?"

"You're already on." Shay said crossing his arms.

"Why don't you teleport to Dusaro instead of by ship?" Juliet asks.

"Because my magic can't stretch that far for a teleport that long distance away." Jackson said. Juliet grabs my arm and yanks on it.

"Come with me. You to Seto's friend." Juliet said. We go into the Captain's quarters. Shay and Juliet sit down. I lean against the wall as Amarisa sits at my feet.

"Give me one reason why I should kick you off my ship." Prince Shay said. I smirk slightly and lift my hand up.

"Kick us off, and your ship turns into the biggest torch at sea." I said making fire sprout in my hand. Jackson lowers my arm.

"He's kidding." Jackson said. No I'm not.

"We'll drop you off at the island, but you are not allowed in the Kingdom. I still don't trust your kind." Shay said.

"Good." I said.

"What do you mean our kind?" Jackson asks.

"Wizards." Shay said.

"Jackson, Dusaroians hate wizards. So don't be surprised." I said. Jackson lets go of my arm.

"You can hitch a ride guys. But um Seto come here." Juliet said. Juliet and I go to the corner of the room.

"What?" I ask.

"Your sister and her bodyguard fled the castle. They might be looking for you." She whispered. Oh no! What are those idiots doing?!

"They probably had a reason. Jace will keep her safe." I said.

"How do you know?" She asks.

"Because he knows what will happen if he doesn't." I said.

Corrupted Royalty: A SetoSorcerer StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin