Chapter 15

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Princess Rivatha's P.O.V
I open my eyes still feeling a horse between my legs and my arms around Jace's waist. I pick up my head from his back.

"Jenna stop over there." He said. We ride over by a big tree. I look around. They seem to have lost us. "I'm gonna go and see if they are still following us. Jenna you take the Princess and if I'm not back after sunrise you go to Elidin Kingdom without me."


"Without me." Jace said. I slip off the horse. I look at Jace. No. No I don't agree with this. I grab his reins.

"I don't approve of this. You're outnumbered." I said.

"Which is why I'll try to not be seen." Jace said. I let go of his rein.

"But promise me you will come back." I said. Jace nods. He turns his horse around and leaves us. Jenna gets off her horse.

"Let's set up camp Princess." Jenna said as I stare off in the direction of where he went. I have a bad feeling. A really bad feeling.

Prince Seto's P.O.V
"So did it ever occur to you to tell me the truth?" Jackson asks. I shake my head.

"Nope." I said. Jackson stares at me, looking a little mad. "Look I know I should have told you that I did grow up in royalty but I don't want to be a Prince."

"Why? You live in royalty. Why would you ever want to give that up?" Jackson asks. We are still on the Dusaroian ship, in the captain's quarters. Prince Shay comes in followed by Juliet. Amarisa is sleeping next to my chair on the floor.

"Apparently your wanted Seto." Shay said.

"What's new?" I ask.

"The word of you cleaving is scaring everyone because you are loose and the word about what happened at the docks is spreading too." Juliet said.

"Yeah well, Amarisa needed help." I said. I didn't mean to make a scene but I did anyway.

"You made one hell of a scene while doing so." Shay said.

"Are you a fire wizard?" Jackson asks.

"Arcane." I said.

"Arcane...really?" Jackson asks. I nod. "Hm..interesting."

"What?" Juliet asks.

"Nothing. Nothing." Jackson said.

"We are nearing Dusaro." Shay said.

"Maybe they should com-"

"No." I said.

"Yeah we have other stuff to do." Jackson said.

"What about your sister?" Juliet asks.

"Jace can take care of her. I have complete faith in him." I said.

Jace's P.O.V
Oh no, there are more of them. They got reinforcements. The sun will be coming up soon too. I better go. I turn my horse around and just as I do something hits the back of my shoulder making me scream. I lean forward a little and feel warm blood soaking up my left arm. I see an arrowhead sticking out the front of my left shoulder. Oh no. I dig my heels into the horse's sides and we ride off. I hear the horse cry and see arrows in the horse. Oh sh*t. Oh no. My left arm is starting to feel a little dead. I bite my bottom lip. Then my horse starts to slow down and I can hear him breathing.

"Come on." I said quietly. I can see a light meaning that's them. Then my horse gives and I hit the ground making pain explode in my shoulder.

"Jace?" A voice asked. I try to get up but my shoulder hurts too much. I hear a gasp. "Jace!"

Corrupted Royalty: A SetoSorcerer StoryWhere stories live. Discover now