Chapter 5

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Princess Rivatha's P.O.V
I grab Seto's wrist and pull on it. He looks at me.

"No. River I don't dance." He said. I laugh.

"Yeah I know." I said. The feast is over and now it's the ball. The orchestra is playing music and I just want to get Seto out at least once. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?" He stares at me and raises one of his eyebrows. "Fine." I let go of his wrist.

"Did you meet Matthew yet? Father's new asskisser?" He asks. I chuckle a little.

"Yeah. He seems.." I started.

"Weird. Off. Odd-"

"Give this one a chance." I said.

"I will River." He said. A little girl pulls on Seto's sleeve and we look down at her.

"Sparks." She said.

"What?" I ask.

"Sparks from the magic man." She said. I smile a little and look at Seto. Seto can entertain a group of little kids easily. And he does every celebration we have. He sends out little harmless sparks from his hands that the kids like to try to catch and run after. The little kids in Psyra love Seto's magic. It's just adorable.

"Go on magic man." I said. Seto is great with kids, specifically little kids, any older nope he isn't. More kids comes and grab Seto's hands and wrists. They pull him towards the door. I smile. Jace comes up to me.

"Oh did the Prince get kidnapped by kids again?" Jace asks. I nod. I turn around and look at him. The music changes to a little more fast beat. We both smile. Jace puts his hand out for me. "Come on birthday girl. You deserve a little fun."

"Done hitting on girls here?" I ask.

"Heck no, but you look lonely and your brother is busy being the babysitter." He said. Amarisa runs pass me and out of the ball room. Probably following Seto. I take Jace's hand.

"Fine." I said.

Prince Seto's P.O.V
I cup my hands over my mouth and my eyes glow. The kids laugh as the last of the sparks go out. I release more once my hands leave my mouth. The kids chase them and laugh. I watch them. I put my hands in my pockets. Amarisa lays down on the ground next to my feet. I sit on the ground in the courtyard watching the kids playing.

"Your not gonna like this news." Amarisa thought. I sigh a little.

"After what I found out this morning, how bad can this be?" I thought back. Amarisa sits up and rubs her head against my arm. I pet her.

"Um...someone went through your wizard stuff." She thought. I freeze. What?! A little girl tugs on my sleeve.

"More." She said.

"Okay." I said. I cup my hands over my mouth again and send out more sparks.

"You shouldn't be doing that. Your hands are already hurt." Amarisa said.

"My magic arena is private. No one is allowed in that building expect for me." I said to her. My mother comes to me.

"Son." She said. I feel like someone just stabbed me in the heart. I'm not her son, there's no way I am.

"What?" I ask.

"Watch your attitude." She warned. My attitude? Maybe if she didn't go ahead and lie to me for all my life then maybe I would keep my attitude in check.

"No Seto. This isn't the time to bring this up to her." Amarisa thought. I so want to, and I so will.

"Well maybe if you didn't go and lie to me since I was born then maybe I would keep it in check." I said. I look up at her. She looks shocked. She kicks my side hard and I yelp in pain. Amarisa hisses and jumps over me and lands between me and the Queen. I hold my side and stay at the ground. That actually really really hurt. The Queen backs up as Amarisa tries to claw her legs.

"Stay away from him or I'll claw your eyes out!" Amarisa thought.

"We'll talk about this later Seto." The Queen said. She leaves. Amarisa calms down a little and turns to me.

"Seto are you okay?!" Someone asks. Princess Mystic comes running to me. She crouches down next to me.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm use to it." I said. She moves my jacket and lifts up the side of my shirt.

"It's starting to bruise and it's a big one." She said. Our eyes meet and I look away from her. "Maybe Jenna-" I push her hands away and my shirt drops back down.

"I'm fine. I'm okay. No reason pull Jenna into this." I said. The little girl comes back to me. We both look at her. "More sparks?" She shakes her head. Oh. Okay then. She grabs my wrist and lifts up my arm to her height. She looks at my bandaged hands.

"Magic man hurting." She said. I smile a little.

"Magic man is gonna be okay." I said. She looks at me and smiles. She lets go of my hand. She puts her arms around my neck and hugs me. I hug her back. She sits sideways in my lap. "You wanna see something my little sister use to love?" She nods. My eyes glow and I take her hands as she starts to float into the air. She laughs and has the biggest smile on her face.

"I don't know what you see in kids. They are little demons." Amarisa thought. That's because they like pulling out Amarisa's fur. My eyes look over to Mystic seeing her smile at us. I look back at the girl. I let go of her hands. I light push her and she spins around in the air. She laughs.

"More sparks!" The little girl cheered. I smile slightly. I catch the little girl as she stops levitating. I put her on her feet. I cup my hands over my mouth, my eyes glow, and release more sparks as I lower my hands. The little girl and the rest of the kids run after them. I smile.

"You know, you really aren't what I thought you would be Seto." Mystic said.

"Is that good or bad?" I ask looking at her.

"It's good. It's good Seto." She said.

Corrupted Royalty: A SetoSorcerer StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu