Chapter 27

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Prince Seto's P.O.V
I look outside the Kingdom of Psyra. Where it all started, where everything just went wrong. The beginning. I walk through the gate, pulling my hood up to cover my face as I walk up the streets. I put my hands in my pocket. I keep expecting to hear Amarisa in my head...but it's only silence. I do feel a lot stronger, but I rather have Amarisa. I feel like I just lost a part of me that I can never get back. After this, I'm going to look into reviving her. I have to do it. She saved my life, I save hers.

I put my head low as guards march pass me. I want to get inside with no problems. I'm not in the mood to have people point weapons at me. I look at the castle gate seeing people in front of it. What is happening today? I need to get inside, undetected. But how? I clench my fists in my pockets and I catch someone staring at me. I meet their eyes and their eyes widen. I cover the right side of my neck with my hand remembering my wizard mark. DAMNIT! The person instantly yells my name catching the guards attention. I break into a run and push through citizens as the guards start to come after me. Stupid wizard mark, ruining everything, I forgot about it. I make it inside the castle walls and guards surround me. I look at them, stopping. I need to get to her, fast.

"Come on Prince, don't make this difficult." A guard said. I look at them and I clench my fists. My eyes glow a dark purple color. I'm sorry...but I can't let them get in the way. I close my eyes saying a spell under my breath and I hear them all panic. I open my eyes and run inside the castle. I run down the halls taking out anyone who attacks me but once I reach the dungeons, I stop seeing Jackson strapped to a chair.

"Jackson." I said. I run inside and start untying her. Then she wakes up.

"Seto?" She asks. I finish untying her.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm here. Can you walk?" I ask. She moves her head and doesn't answer. I'm gonna take that as a no. I pick her up and carry her in my arms. Her wrists are destroyed like they should be after using the machine. I run out into the hallway and see guards pointing weapons at me.

"Freeze!" One yells. I grit my teeth together. I flick my wrist towards them and fire engulfs them all one by one turning them to ashes. I take off to the right. I need to get here away from here. But I know Izic is in here somewhere. Jackson rests her forehead on my neck and she grips my shirt.

"S-Seto." She said weakly. I run into my old room and shut the door. I lay Jackson on the bed and I lock the door. Jackson coughs and I go over to her. I sit her up and I move her hair out of her face. She opens her eyes and looks at me. She smiles slightly. "H-Hey."

"Are you okay?" I ask. I sit down and I look at her wrists. I move her sleeves up and she leans against me and coughs. I push her up a little.

"Seto." She said. I cut off a part of my shirt and bind both of her hands and wrists best I can.

"Come on. I need to get you out of here." I said. I get up and she puts on her her arms around my neck as I pick her up in my arms.

"Seto." She said again. I look at her.

"What?" I ask. She smiles weakly at me.

"Thank you." She said. I smile back.

"I promised you that I would come for you." I said. She smiles and I look at the door there has to be guards just outside of it probably. Jackson suddenly kisses my cheek making me blush. She rests her head on my shoulder. I turn around and go over to the porch and open the door. She tightens her grip on me and we suddenly teleport outside of Psyra. I fall backwards onto my ass and she chuckles.

"That's easier." She said. I look at her. I kiss her forehead and her cheeks flush. She sits up in my lap and pecks a kiss on my cheek. making my cheeks flush. She smiles and I feel her hand on my cheek. Her hand is shaky and bloodied. "Where's A-Amarisa?" I look away not answering and she puts her arms around my neck. "Oh Seto. I'm s-so sorry." She hugs me. I hug her back. I stare at Psyra. I have a chance, a chance to get rid of Izic once and for all. But I want Jackson to be safe more then killing Izic right now. I take Jackson's hands and move them between us. Her hands are freezing and she is shivering violently. She must not be use to the cold. Then I hear barking and my eyes widen. I pick up Jackson in my arms and start running away from Psyra.

Those dogs are fast, faster then me but I have a head start. Jackson snuggles up against me, shivering. I want to help her get warm but those dogs are vicious and would kill us both if we stopped. I trip over a tree root and I quickly move between Jackson and cold hard ground making her land on me. I hear the bark get closer and I stand up with Jackson sitting at my feet. I see the dogs. Jackson grabs my leg putting her face in my leg. I put my hands up and my eyes glow. I make a shield making the dogs collide with it and fall to the ground in a pile. 

"Seto. Behind!" Jackson said. I turn around seeing the dog launching at me and I can't reach fast enough. But then Jace runs in between us and cuts the dog down.

"Jace?" I ask. He turns halfway and smiles at me.

"Hey." He said. I smile.

"Where's my sister?" I ask.

"Safe. What's the plan, Prince?" He asks. I look in front of me and shield off s dog again.

"You need to take Jackson away from here. She is too hurt to walk. I'll take care of the King." I said. Jackson grips my leg till her hurt hands give out.

"But Seto--"

"Trust me, Jackson. I'll be okay, I broke in didn't I?" I ask. Jace comes down next to Jackson and picks her up. I look at her. "I'll see you in Laenadur." She looks at me.

"Promise?" She asks. I nod.

"I promise." I said.

Corrupted Royalty: A SetoSorcerer StoryWhere stories live. Discover now