Chapter 2:

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Mr.Light's P.O.V:

I stood at the door of my new classroom. I could easily smell all the scents in that room. All of them were too strong from all the perfumes and

colognes the students wore. I felt like I was about to be sick. I sighed and entered the room.

I said:Hello everyon...

My eyes wondered to the Floor and I saw a young girl laying on the floor.

I said:Are you alright Miss...?

She said:Yah, I'm fine.

She stood up and walked to the back of the classroom. I couldn't stop staring, she was a true vision of beauty. Her scent was different, I was completely intoxicated. I couldn't control my fangs from coming out. She sat down, it took all my strength to turn around and write my name on the board. I could easily tell that all my female students were checking me out. I felt disgusted, I do not like flirting girls. I placed the chalk down and turned around.

I said:Nice to meet you all. My name is Mr.Light. Your original Teacher Ms.Bell had a sad accident and did not make it. I really hope you all take it easy on me as it is my first day here. Now, who would like to start off our introduction to each other?

And a bunch of girls quickly rose their hands up, even the girl next to the beauty did the same. I went row from row.

One girl:How old are you?

That caught me off guard, that is my own business.

I said:I am twenty years old.

At that moment every girl's face jump with joy, I got a weird feeling about this. Then it was a girl with turn Burnett hair and blue eyes turn.

Jennifer:Are you dating anyone?

I looked at the beauty as I answered.

I said:Not at the moment, but I do hope to be with a special someone.

I saw her blush. She turned away and I could see she was trying to think of something else. I still had my eyes on her. She's so adorable when she is shy. She took a peak and looked at me. Then She took a deep breath and I could tell she was staring at the board, avoiding my gaze. Soon it was the girl next to her turn to speak.

The red head:What do you like to do on your spear time?

I said:I like to read Poetry and I dabble in a little Poetry as well.

That caught beauty's attention, I'm guessing she likes Poetry as well.

She turned to me and we locked eyes. I was speechless, I could easily see her eyes are the color of the beautiful sea. I quickly broke our gaze and I felt like I was in a dream.

I said:Now enough of me. Why don't all of you tell me a little about yourself's?

I went row by row, and soon it's was The girl in the front's turn again. She puffed out her chest and battered her eyes.

The girl:My names Jennifer Rose. I love party's and I am fun to date.

She said winking at me, I felt disgusted. I could hear giggling. It came from the far back. Then it was The red head's turn.

Red head:My name is Anna, I love puppy's and bunnies.

Then it was my lovely's turn.

She said:My name is Cassandra White, I have a kitten named Snowball, and I love poetry, cooking and to write music.

I stared at her. Cassandra White the vision of true grace and beauty. My fangs were hurting me. I smiled and tried to stay calm.

I said:Could someone please tell me what you were all working on last week?

My beauty blushed as she rose her hand.

Cassandra:We were learning about Shakespeare's play on Romeo & Juliet.

I smiled at her and her beautiful face turned red. I couldn't help in stare.

I said:Please pull out your textbooks and turn to page one hundred and seventy three.

I sat down and pulled out the Teacher's version and pointed to a young gentleman and asked him to start reading. During the hole entire session I would constantly look up at Cassandra and admire her beauty.

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