Chapter 28:

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Cassandra, Rosa, James, Darien and Zane ran downstairs as Chris finished talking to Allen.

Cassandra:Please tell me it isn't true!!

Chris:I'm sorry to say this but it's true.

Cassandra:God please no...

Darien walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her as she began to cry into his chest.

Zane:Any idea where he took her?

Just then the doorbell rang.

James:(sigh) Now what?

He walked over and answered to find no one. He looked down and saw a letter on his porch. He picked it up and saw it was addressed to Cassandra. He closed the door and entered the living room again.

James:Uh... Cassandra...

Cassandra took the letter and saw the hand writing.

Cassandra:This is not good...

She opened the letter and read it.

It read:

My Sweet lovely Cassandra, are you missing something? Like... Your former best friend perhaps? If you wish to see her again, meet me in the woods were my idiot brother took you. See you soon my lovely.

Cassandra stared at the letter as she fell back onto the couch.


Cassandra:He's got her... He had Anna...

Rosa:What does the letter say?

Cassandra:He wants me to meet him in the woods Tony took me...

She looked up at James and said:

I need to go...

James:No it's too dangerous!

Cassandra:James! He has Anna, this is all my fault! If it wasn't for me Anna would be at home safe and sound!!

Rosa:Don't say that Cassandra, none of this is your fault.

Darien:Yes, it's all that mongrels fault.

Cassandra crumpled the paper up and began to cry into her hands. Zane sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her and held her close. After two minutes, Cassandra lifted her head up and looked at James.

Cassandra:What are we gonna do? We just can't leave her in his hands.

James:(sigh) Let me think o something...

After a few minutes, Mrs.Julia spoke up.

Mrs.Julia:I think Cassandra should go with backup, I know Cassandra can take care of herself. If it gets to dangerous you can go in and safe them. While you distract them Cassandra and James can get Anna out of there.

Cassandra and James looked at each other. Cassandra stood up and smiled at James.

Cassandra:I'm in, you?

James looked at Cassandra then he smiled and said:Let's do it.

Darien stepped forward.

Darien:I'll be going as well. Anna is my student so it's my job as a teacher to help.

Zane:Well, what are we waiting for, we've got a girl to save and a werewolf to slay.

The hunters picked up their weapons and headed out.

In the woods...

Anna was struggling against the tree she was tied to. The rope around her upper body was beginning to leave rope burns. She heard laughing, she looked up and look right at Andrew who had a smirk on his face.

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