Chapter 5:

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Cassandra stood at her opened locker as she looked down at her book. She looked up at a picture handing from the locker door, it was of her on her fourth birthday: she sat in the middle of the dinning room table while blowing at some lit birthday candles, her dad stood at her right and her mom stood at her left, the three of them had on birthday hats and her dad's arm was extended out to take the picture. Cassandra looked away and slammed her locker door close.


Cassandra sat under a tree in the quad. She was reading a book when she felt someone staring at her. She looked up and saw Mr.Light leaning against the same tree as he looked at her.

Cassandra:Mr.L-I mean Darien.

Darien:Hello Cassandra.

Cassandra looked away and stared at her book.

Darien:Penny for your thoughts.

Cassandra:I wish you would leave me alone.

Darien:Worst penny I ever spend.

Cassandra(Sigh):Look I'm sorry, I'm just upset. My dad'd dead and my mom is a lunatic.

Darien:I see. Would you like to talk about it?

Cassandra looked up at him, then looked away and said nothing for a bit. Darien sat down next to her and took her hand into his own. Cassandra gasped and look at him. Darien smiled at her and she turned red.

Cassandra:My mom.... She... Beats me a lot.

Darien:I'm... Sorry.

Cassandra took in a deep breath and exhaled, she looked at Mr.Light and smiled.

Cassandra:You have no idea how long I've held that in, even from my Friends. I feel a lot better.

Darien smiled at her, then he looked suddenly gasped. Cassandra looked at him weird and with concerned.

Cassandra:Are you ok?

Darien turned away and began to breath deeply, and he began to sweat a lot. Darien quickly got up and ran away, Cassandra stared as he ran back into the school building. She got up and ran after him. Darien ran pass a couple of girls and he could easily hear their heart beats. Cassandra fallowed Darien into his classroom but he slammed the door shut. Darien began to wobble all over and he bumped into desks. He crawled over to his desk, reached into his briefcase and pulled out a blood pouch. His fangs were already out and he waisted no time and sank his fangs into it. Cassandra stood outside the door trying to opened the locked door. Cassandra began to knock.

Cassandra:Mr.Light... Mr.Light...?.... Darien. You ok in there?

Darien began to feel better now, he finished the last drop and his fangs were back inside. He wrapped the empty pouch in a dirty napkin and tossed it into a trash can, strained himself and the classroom out. He sighed when he heard Cassandra still at the door. Cassandra was about to knock again when Darien opened the door.

Cassandra:Hey, you ok?

Darien:Yah... I just... Got allergies, yah. I had to run in here to get my medication.

Cassandra:Oh, I see... Hey you have a red liquid on the corner of your mouth.

Darien touched his lip and felt something sticky, he looked at his hand and saw a little blood on his hand.

Cassandra:Is that some red energy drink?

Darien:Yah, I brought fruit punch.

Cassandra:Weird, it sorta looks like blood.

Darien smiled and Cassandra looked at him weirdly.

Darien:Um... Listen, if you'd maybe I coul...


Cassandra's head slumped over and Jennifer ran up to Mr.Light. Darien looked at her angrily and Cassandra began to walk away.


Jennifer:Mr.Light, I need help on studying for our test!

Darien looked at her and his eyes turned completely red. He grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her in and slammed the door shut. Cassandra heard it and looked behind herself, she sighed and though:

I know I'm gonna regret this.

She made her was back to the door and opened it, and froze completely. Darien was towering over Jennifer as he pulled back and his fangs were in full view and his lips were covered in blood. Jennifer laid underneath him, he eyes closed and she looked like she was struggling until she passed out.


He looked and saw Cassandra at the door, with a horrified face expression.

Darien:Cassandra, I can explain...

She turned away and ran off. She exited the school and ran down the school. She was soon at least three blocks away from the school when she stopped running. After gaining her breathing Cassandra looked around and saw she was in a very dangerous street. Cassandra looked up and saw rain clouds coming in. She straitened out her blood red shirt and was about to walk when she was cornered by eight guys.

One guy:Hey, are you lost?

Cassandra looked away and looked around looking for a way to escape, but she was completely surrounded. One guy touched her arm and she backed away.

Another:Need help getting home little girl?

Cassandra:Please, just let me leave.

Another:Why? Why don't you stay with us?

A guy grabbed her from behind as rain began to pour down, and the others got closer. Cassandra squirmed and elbowed the guy behind her. He held tighter when one of his Friends was pulled back by force. Then two others fallowed the other five looked and saw Mr.Light fighting the three guys knocking them out quickly. Four other ran up to him and Mr.Light beat the crap out of them. The guy holding onto Cassandra forcefully shoved her aside and she hit her head on a nearby wall. Her vision was blurry but she could just barely see Mr.Light bite into the guys throat, killing him. She tried to stay awake as Mr.Light took her into his arms. She passed out as she heard him calling her name over and over.

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