Chapter 6:

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(A/N:I added funny stuff in this one.)

Cassandra slowly opened her eyes. She found herself staring up at a deep red ceiling. She slowly sat up and found out that she was in a king sized bed with crimson bed sheets.

She looked down and she was in a big grey shirt and her shirt and pants were missing. She looked around the room, she saw a closed window, two bedside tables on either side of the bed and there was a dresser and closet but she didn't see a mirror anywhere. Cassandra tried to get up but her back hurt like hell. Then she heard the door knob on the door turn. She hid under the bed sheets again and pretended to be asleep. She could easily hear Mr.Light's voice as well as Rosa's Voice. She could clearly feel something was smelling her. Suddenly the bed sheets were yanked away and she felt something lick her face. Cassandra screamed and fell backwards onto her back. She looked and saw a big black Doberman. The dog stared at her with an innocent puppy-like look and Cassandra heard laugher. She looked and saw Mr.Light standing at the doorway and little Rosa next to the bed with a tray with food in her hands.

Rosa:Blackie, you scared her.

The dog, or Blackie whimpered and both of his ears went down. Cassandra looked back at Mr.Light who turned away. Cassandra's face turned completely red, she pulled the sheets back and covered herself from head to toe. Rosa giggled and placed the tray on the bed in front of Cassandra.

Rosa:Here, you should eat. And don't worry, Blackie won't bite you. He's really sweet when we're not in danger.

She said as she patted the Doberman's head. Cassandra looked at Rosa then back at the food.

Mr.Light:You know it's not polite to stare at someone Rosa.

Cassandra looked just as a pillow collided with his face.

Rosa:I'm not the one staring!

Cassandra giggled a little just as Mr.Light removed the pillow and left the room. Cassandra looked back at the food and turned to Rosa.

Cassandra:Where am I?

Rosa:Your at our house, Darien tried to explain to you about what you saw but you ran out before he could. He found you being harassed by a couple meanies and he beat them to a pulp. He brought you here ten minutes later. Don't worry I changed your clothes, they were wet and muddy from the rain.

Cassandra's memory returned, she remembered opened the classroom door to find Mr.Lig-Darien hovering over Jennifer's out cold body with blood running down his lip. He is a Vampire. Cassandra slowly looked down at Rosa and stared, if Darien's a Vampire then Rosa must be one too.

Rosa:Yah, I'm a vampire.

Cassandra gasped and was about to ask how she knew that when.

Rosa:I can read minds. We can all run fast, have super strength and jump high and other things, but we all have a power that makes us all different from each other. I can read minds and Darien can move objects with his own mind.

Cassandra looked down and picked up the fork on the tray and began to eat. Rosa sat down on the bed and Blackie laid down to take a quick nap.

A few minutes later...

Cassandra placed the fork down and looked down.

Cassandra:Thanks for the food.

Rosa smiled and picked up the tray and left the room. Cassandra stared at her lap when she heard:

Feeling any better?

She looked and saw Darien sitting next to her on the bed. Cassandra looked at him scared, she was about to jump off the bed and run but he grabbed her wrist to keep her in place. Cassandra tossed and kicked, trying to get away from him.

Darien:Stop it, you'll hurt yourself.

Cassandra:Let me go!

Rosa:What are you doing!?

They looked and saw Rosa standing at the doorway with a glass of water and pain killer pills on her hands. Rosa walked over and placed the things on the the beside table and turned to Darien with her hands in her hips.

Rosa:Got out Darien!

Darien:Why? It's my room.

Rosa grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out.

Darien:Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow...

Rosa pulled him over to the door then she pushed him out.


Darien turned around to face her.


And Rosa slammed the door in his face. Cassandra just sat there. Rosa walked over to her and took the glass of water and pain killer and handed them to Cassandra. She drank them down and laid back down. Rosa tucked her in and smiled.

Cassandra:Rosa... Why does Darien worry about me?

Rosa:Because he... Why don't you ask him later. For now you should rest, Darien will call your parents later and..

Cassandra:My dad's dead and my mom could careless if I even go home.

Rosa:Oh... Um... You should just rest for now.

Cassandra looked at Rosa as she left the room and soon Cassandra fell into a deep sleep.


Cassandra was all alone in complete darkness. There were no windows or even doors or anything period. Cassandra opened her mouth to speak but no sound came from her. She began to wonder around and suddenly the floor beneath her disappeared. She began to fall when she grabbed a hold of the part of the floor that didn't disappeared and she held on for her life. She looked up and saw her mom standing next to someone who had their face hidden in the darkness.

Cassandra:M-Mom... Help... Me...

Her mom just stared and then began to laughed as she stepped on Cassandra's hands. Cassandra screamed in pain as she lost her grip and fell into complete darkness.

-End of Dream-

Cassandra woke up screaming and in cold sweat. She gripped the sheets and was breathing deeply as she looked at the left bedside table and saw the clock read:Thirty passed eleven p.m.

A voice:Bad Dream?

Cassandra gasped, she looked in front of herself and saw Darien. She was so scared she quickly wrapped her arms around his waist and began to cry. Darien was shocked, it must have really scared her a lot if she is hugging him. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close.

Cassandra:My Mom... My mom... She... She saw me dangling for dear life... All she... She did was laugh and... Stepped on my hands... And I fell... She didn't care...

Darien:It's ok.... I'll protected you.

Cassandra gasped and she looked up at him. She looked into his eyes and saw Fear and Love in his eyes.

Cassandra:Why? Why do you care what happens to me?


He took Cassandra's face into his hands and pulled her close.

Darien:Because I Love You.

Cassandra gasped and Darien closed the small gap between the both of them. He was kissing her. Her teacher and a Vampire was actually kissing her. Darien pulled away and stood up. He was about to exit the room when Cassandra called him.


He looked at her and she looked embarrassed, her face was really red.

Cassandra:P-Please stay... I-I... I don't want to be alone...

Darien stared at her, then he removed the jacket he had on and walked over to the bed, pulling over a chair and sat down next to the bed.

Cassandra:C-Could you please... Explain...

Darien:Of course...

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