Chapter 14:

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Cassandra and Anna walked into their Classroom. People were sitting on desks and some where tossing paper balls around the room. Both looked at each other and then Cassandra walked over to a Girl with short red hair.


The girl:What....?

Cassandra:Where's Mr.Light?

The girl:Don't know, he hasn't showed up yet.

Then suddenly they heard:

Having Fun everyone...?

They all looked and saw Darien standing in the doorway. Everyone scrambled and began to pick up their trash and began to sit in their seats. Cassandra and Anna snickered as they made their way to their seats. Darien walked over to his desk and began to write on the chalk board. Then he began to pass out worksheets. When Cassandra got her's, she saw a folded up sticky note attached to it. She looked around and saw everyone else was paying more attention to their worksheets. She removed the sticky note and unfolded it. It Read:

I got a call from Rosa saying she wishes to be here at School with you. She misses you.

Cassandra smiled as she folded the paper up again and began to work on her worksheet.


The bell rang and Cassandra entered the Cafeteria. Anna sat in the far back. Cassandra got in line and waited to grab her food. Today's lunch sucked, it was tacos that where all soggy, they looked like they were swimming around in a bucket full of water and soap. Her fries were the same. She made her way to the table where Anna sat and sat down.

Cassandra:Where's James?

Anna looked at her, then she looked back at her slop.

Anna:Behind you...

Cassandra looked and saw James standing behind her in a clean shirt and pants.

Cassandra:You ok?

James:Yah, just needed to head home to get clean clothes.

He sat down next to Cassandra and sighed.

Cassandra:You ok?

James:Yah, just really soar. The reason why I was so dirty was because your brother and I went paint balling last night and I had to roll around to keep from getting hit.

Cassandra:Never play with a collage freshman sharpshooter.

James:Thanks for reminding me, I blame your uncle for teaching him.

Cassandra laughed and said:Hey, he taught the both of us. Your just lucky I wasn't in on it. You would have lost.

Anna:When one is in the great outdoors, one needs to be good at shooting anything.

Cassandra:Yah, I still got the picture of the can I shot a couple years ago. That was some great practice.

James grabbed some of her fries. And Cassandra tried to stop him from eating them.


He ate them and Cassandra slapped herself.

Cassandra:You idiot, there from the school cafeteria!


And he began to spit them into a napkin. Anna laughed as Cassandra handed him more napkins.

Cassandra:I did try to worn you.

James:Next time hit me into stopping.

Anna:This food is so gross.

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