Chapter 29

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4 weeks later, back at school...

Halloween time...

Cassandra placed her text book into her locker. Suddenly she felt someone tap her shoulder she reached into her purse and took a hold of her pepper spray. She turned around and...


Someone yelled in a horrible monster mask. Cassandra just stared she didn't even flinch.

Cassandra:Really? I've seen scarier things that will make with fake mask a babies toy.

The guy removed his mask and said:Your the first person all day that didn't get scared. Your tough.

He walked away as Cassandra turned back to her locker. She pulled out her cellphone when she received a text. It was from little Rosa. She texted:

Hey, Happy Halloween!!!

Cassandra smiled as she texted back.

Cassandra:Happy Halloween, ready 4 2night?

After a minute Rosa replied back.

Rosa:Yah! Can't wait to go Trick or Treating!! Butt wat about the dance?

Cassandra:It doesn't start until 8 so I've got time. See u 2night.

Rosa:Bye bye!

Cassandra placed her phone away. Cassandra closed her locker and spotted James and Anna walking towards her.

Anna:I can't wait for tonight!!!

Cassandra:Me too!

James:I'm just glade we don't have to deal with Andrew. But I wonder were he and his group of strays went?

Cassandra:Don't know, don't want to know.

They began to exit the school grounds when Cassandra was slammed into a locker. She looked up and saw Jennifer.

Cassandra:Oh great, what do you want?

Jennifer:Besides my boyfriend back, I'd want you to go kill yourself and dig up your own grave.

Cassandra rolled her eyes as Jennifer continued to talk.

Jennifer:Anyway, I wanted to come and let you know, and gloat, that I have a date for the dance to night and my costume is super sexy!

Cassandra:Well, if your costume includes a mask then it'll be great.

Jennifer:A mask? What for?

Cassandra:So you can hide the first mask that your wearing now, oh! Wait that's just your face.

She laughed as she got up and walked away. Cassandra caught up with James and Anna and they walked home.

Anna:So Cassandra, do you wanna come over so we can work on our costumes?

Cassandra:Sur... Oh man!!


Cassandra:I just remembered that I left my costume back at Darien's house. With the hole hiding from Andrew thing I completely forgot to pack it up with the rest of my stuff.

James:No problem, just go over and ask if you can get it back.

Cassandra began to walk backwards as she yelled:Ok! See you two later, and Anna I'll meet you at your place!

Cassandra turned around and ran to her destination.

At Darien's house...

Cassandra ran up the porch and began to knock. After a minute the door opened and Darien stood in front of her in a white dress shirt. The first four buttons were undone and Cassandra could just barely see his chest. Cassandra turned red but she could still calmly speak without messing up.

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