Chapter 20:

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Cassandra walked out of the house and saw at least ten men in the backyard. She spotted James in the front of them facing them with his back to her. She sat down on the stone porch as James talked.

James:As you all know we are currently after a pack of werewolves. Their pack leader is one of the most dangerous. He is wanted dead for murders in the pass. His location is currently unknown. We need to keep our guard up and be ready for anything.

Cassandra was surprised, she had never seen James like this before. She though she knew everything about him when they and Anna became Best friends back in sixth grade. This hole Hunter thing was going to need some getting used to. After five more minutes, the group disbanded and the ten men began to walk toward her. She stood up as they made their way into the house. After they were all inside, she began to walk over to James who was pulling out the bullet compartment from his gun.

Cassandra:That's Gonna need some getting used to now that I'm gonna be staying here for a while.

James:Yah, listen... I want to apologize for...

Cassandra:Shut up... I know what your gonna say and I already forgive you...

James:Still... I know how much you love Mr.Light... I guess Anna was right, I am jealous...

Cassandra laughed, then she said:

That's pretty much normal... Besides... I'm sure you'll find someone just as beautiful...

Just then Chris came out running with Zane right behind.



They ran around in a circle as Cassandra and James turned their heads following their movement. Cassandra rolled her eyes and slapped her forehead.

Cassandra:Can someone explain how I came to have an older over protective brother?

James:It's probably best to have something's better left unsaid.

Cassandra:(Sigh)... Zane!! Knock if off!!!

Zane stopped at Chris fell over on his back as he took in deep breaths.

Chris:(pant)... T-Thanks... (pant)

Cassandra walked over to Zane and said:

Stop being so over protective of me Zane, I'm not a little baby anymore you know.

Zane smiled and wrapped her in a gentle but tight head lock and said:

Awww, how cute. She thinks I'm gonna stop treating her like a baby.

Cassandra:H-Hey!! Let go! ZANE!!!

Cassandra tried to move away but he didn't budge. After five minutes he let go as Allen came to the backyard.

James:Dad... What happen?

Allen:It went very well, we weren't followed so we're in the clear.

Cassandra sighed and said:

Thank you Mr.Allen.

Allen:Not at all Cassandra. I'm guessing my son has already filled you in on the family secret?

Cassandra:Yes, even though I've know you all since I was Little and never knew of this, it's gonna feel a little weird for me. But I'll manage.


Just then Julia opened the backyard door and yelled:

Any one hungry!? If so I've made snacks!

Zane turned to Chris who still remained on the ground, and said:

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