Chapter 8:

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Cassandra entered her house and saw broken glass everywhere. She stepped over all of it and went into her room and placed her backpack on her bed then when into the kitchen and opened the broom closet next to the fridge and pulled out the broom and dustpan. She began to clean all the glass up when the front door opened. She looked and saw her mom talking to a man who looked like he was rolling around in the dirt and he hadn't shaved in a while. Cassandra threw away the glass and placed the broom and dustpan back into the closet. Her mom looked at her and she looked upset.

Her mom:Where were you last night?!

Cassandra:No where.

The man looked at her and he had a creepy grin on his face.

The man:Is this your little runt of a daughter?

Her mom:Sadly yes, she's not even a woman yet.

Cassandra backed away a little as the man walked pass her mom and walked up to her.

The man:You don't mind if I make her into a woman now do you?

Cassandra bumped into the counter. She stared at the man, afraid at what he will do to her.

Her mom:I could careless, you can take her to your apartment when your done.

The man tried to grab her but Cassandra ducked away and ran up the stairs into her bedroom and slammed the door shut and locked it. Cassandra ran over to her bed and pulled out a deep violet suitcase from underneath and placed it on her bed. She ran over to her closet and drawers and pulled out all her clothes and stuffed them all into her suitcase. She grabbed a couple of family photos of her and her dad and put them in the suitcase as well. Snowball came out from under the bed and Cassandra picked her up and placed her in a cat traveling case. Cassandra took a couple of her poetry books and song books and stuffed them into her backpack. She zipped up the suitcase as her mom stared to hit the door violently.


Cassandra placed her backpack over her shoulder and opened her window. She pushed her suitcase out and grabbed Snowball's traveling case and jumped out onto the over grown tree. Once on the ground Cassandra picked up her suitcase and left her childhood home. Cassandra walked for about a few minutes until she was a couple of blocks away. Cassandra sat down at a bus stop and placed Snowball's cat case beside her. She covered her face with her hands as she began to cry. After twenty minutes of crying, she pulled out her cellphone along with a small piece of paper with Darien's home number that Rosa gave her the number in case of emergencies. Cassandra dialed the number and called him. After two seconds there was an answer.


Cassandra:(Sob) D-Darien...

Darien:Cassandra? What's wrong?

Cassandra:(Sob)I... (Sob) I ran away from home... (Sob)... Could you come pick me up... Please?

Darien:I'll be over soon, where are you?

Cassandra:A couple of blocks away... (Sob) from the park... Close to the community center.

Darien:I'm on my way.

She hung up and waited for him. After at least twelve minutes, a silver car drove up the sidewalk. Darien got out and ran up to her. Before he could ask what happen, Cassandra jumped into his arms and hugged him.

Darien:Cassandra... Why are you crying?

Cassandra:(Sob) My mom... (Sob) she... She tried to...

She looked up at Darien, and he saw she was scared.

Cassandra:My mom tried to give me away... To a stranger... He... He... He wanted to...

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