Chapter 7:

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Darien:I have been turned into a Vampire at a young age. I was walking home one evening when I noticed an elderly gentleman in an alley on the ground rolling around in pain. I went over to assist him, when I was over him I asked if he was alright, the next thing I knew he had me pinned to a wall behind me and he hissed at me like a wild animal. I was able to see into his mouth and he had fangs, he sank his fangs into my shoulder and drank my blood, but... Somehow my blood caused him to cough up some on his own into my system. I was turned there... I was so filled with fear and rage... I attacked him and killed him with a pipe and piece of wood nearby. I returned home, my Mother and Father were both relieved and afraid of me. I explained what happened and they were both shocked. The next day, Men came and took me away. They tried to conducted experiments on me to see if they can find a way to live forever out of me but I got away. I knew I would put my family in danger, so... I never returned home. I haven't seen them in Centuries.

Cassandra:But... What about Rosa?

Darien:Rosa... She isn't my real little sister. I found her three years ago in an old burned down orphanage. I asked what had happened to her parents and she told me they were the foster parents in charge of the orphanage, she was over at a friends when the home was invaded by robbers, they killed everyone in the home and set it on fire, leaving not a trace of evidence. She was attacked by another Vampire looking for blood to feed on. Rosa explained everything to me and I took her in. We became best friends and she now thinks of me as a big brother.

Cassandra looked down, trying to grasp everything Darien has told her. Darien smiled as he extended his hand out and touched her cheek. Cassandra looked up at him and he saw in her eyes confusion.

Cassandra:But... Why...? Why do you love me?

Darien:How can someone not? Your beautiful, kind, you can easily handle yourself in a one-on-one fight, funny, and also fun. That why.

Cassandra looked away as she felt her cheeks turn red.

Darien:That's why I picked you as my mate.

Cassandra looked up at him, he smiled at her, fangs and all. Cassandra felt something with in herself, she felt safe and happiness. She couldn't help in smile back at him. Darien wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Cassandra laid her head on his shoulder as he spoke.

Darien:I can't let you live with that woman you call a Mother. She doesn't deserve to call herself a Mother. You should move in with me.

Cassandra gasped and looked up at him.

Cassandra:Are you serious?

Darien:Yes, I won't mind. And I know Rosa will love the idea. Please... I don't wish to see you in pain.

Cassandra looked down at her lap, she tried to think clearly.

Cassandra:I'll need time to think about it. For the time being I'll sleep over at my friends. The only good thing about my mom not caring about me is I can sleep over at my friends houses anytime I want.

Darien sighed and said:Very well, you should get some rest.

She laid back down on the bed as he pulled the covers over her neck. She looked up at him and he did something that surprised her. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. Cassandra turned red as she tried to hide her embarrassment under the covers. Darien chuckled as he got up from his seat and walked out of the room for a bit. Cassandra peaked out of the covers and saw him return with a book in his hand. She closed her eyes as he sat back down and began to read.

The next Morning, at School...

Cassandra walked down the hall as students spoke to each other. She reached her locker as Anna came up to her.

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