Chapter 25:

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Cassandra and Anna were waiting in line to buy tickets.

Anna:So... I heard from Zane that you and Darien were alone in your room, did you tell him about Jennifer and the news thing?

Cassandra:Yah, he.. Wasn't happy...

Anna:Who could blame him, after all, some of us saw her beating you up.

Cassandra:Yah, let's forget about that shall we?

They made it to the front and bought two tickets for "The Possession". They entered the theater unaware that they were being watched by someone.

Inside the theater...

Cassandra waited as Anna bought snacks. She looked around and saw many of her schoolmates in the theater along with many families. Kids were begging their parents to buy them candy, she spotted four or six couples holding hands as they waited to buy snacks. Cassandra looked just in time to see Anna coming over with a large tub of popcorn, nacho's, two sodas, and a box of candy.




Cassandra:Nothing... Nothing...

She reached over as she said it and took the sodas and candy. Both walked to the theaters and walked into the one that said The Possession. Cassandra handed a worker their tickets and they went in. They sat down in the back as the opening credits played. Cassandra pulled out her cellphone and placed it on vibrate. The movie started.


Darien leaned back in the van as James was looking around. Zane looked at the theater and saw a lot of people.

Zane:I forgot how many people come here on a Friday night.

James looked around and sighed as he leaned back and placed his hand behind his head.

James:I guess my mom was right... The mutt doesn't want to attract attention...

Darien:But we still need to be here until they come out.

Zane:Ok, if we're gonna wait two hours then I need to hit the can.

James:Gross dude, why did you need to tell us?

He said as Zane got out of the van and slammed the door shut. Darien looked around the nearly empty parking lot. Seeing as more then half of the people came walking. He saw nothing wrong as he turned back to look at the theater.


Cassandra took a bite of candy as the girl, Em asked her dad to help open the box. Anna stuffed popcorn into her mouth, both didn't notice the hooded stranger standing up and exiting the theater. Once outside he began to walk down the hall to the back theaters. He entered a dark hallway with minimum light and kneeled down. He pulled out a small box of matches and pulled out a match. He lit the match and placed the box on the floor, and ignited the hole box. Soon the fire began to slowly grown bigger as it traveled up the wall. He moved away and began to casually walk back to the lobby. He passed a worker, who didn't notice him but did begin to smell smoke. The worker looked down the hall and say the fire slowly growing.

The worker:FIRE!! FIRE!! Everyone out!!!

He ran to a nearby fire alarm and pulled it. The alarm began to ring.

Inside the theater...

Cassandra and Anna were still watching the movie when the alarm began to ring.

Cassandra:What is that?

A man in the front:It's a fire! Let's get out of here!

Cassandra and Anna got up and ran out the exit like everyone else.

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