Chapter 4:

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Cassandra entered her home and didn't see her mom around. She sighed in relieved, she remembered every Monday and Thursday her mom would go out for the day to drink and would return the next morning all drunk and unable to beat her. Cassandra placed her backpack on the couch as she walked over to the fridge and opened the freezer. She pulled out a microwaveable pizza and popped it in the microwave. She took her backpack up stairs and tossed it on her bed as Snowball jumped down and fallowed her down stairs. Cassandra entered the kitchen and placed a bowl of cat food on the floor for Snowball just as the timer went off. She opened the microwave and pulled out her pizza and sat down to eat.

Two hours later...

Anna:So nothing happened?

Cassandra, Anna and James were all over at Anna's watching a movie.

Cassandra:No, and would you stop asking the same question.

James:I love this part, it's were Alice shoots the arrow and it hits the Zombie's head and it dangles from a wall.

They were watching Resident Evil:Extinction. Cassandra and her friends had a thing for horror movies.

They always meet up on Mondays and Thursdays evenings to watch movies.

Anna:So he has a little sister?

Cassandra squeezed the bridge of her nose.

Cassandra:Yes, I already told you. Would you shut up.


(A/N:Note the sarcasm)

James:I wish you could keep your beak shut.

Anna:SHUT UP! Butt out James.

Cassandra:I'm hungry, do we have anything else to eat?

Anna got up from the couch and entered the kitchen, after a few seconds she came back with a big plate with Nachos. She settled the plate on the coffee table and James and Cassandra each began to eat. James began to talk with his mouth full.

James:You might be annoying but, you make the best Nachos ever.

Anna:Gee thanks, and don't talk with your mouth full.

Cassandra laughed, then it faded as she remembered how her dad would make Nachos for her when she was little. A tear slowly rolled down her face.


Cassandra was in her bedroom reading another poem when she heard the front door slam close. She thought maybe her mom skipped the drinking today and sighed as she heard feet racing up stairs and she closed her book as her bedroom door was slammed opened. Cassandra looked up her Mother who grabbed her by the neck and forcefully pushed her back on the bed and began to choke her.

Cassandra:M-Mom.... W-Why...?


Cassandra tried to breath but her Mother was holding her tight by the throat. After a minute, Cassandra's Mother threw her across the room and left leaving Cassandra alone holding her throat and head. Snowball came out from inside Cassandra's closet and rubbed its head against her knee trying to comfort her. Cassandra picked Snowball up and held her close. Cassandra stroked Snowball's fur as she began to cry.

Cassandra:Why...? Why Snowball? Why does she take her anger out on me? I want to hate her... But.... I just can't... She's my mother.

Snowball rubbed her face against Cassandra's and licked Cassandra's nose. Minutes went by and Cassandra rubbed her tears away. She got up and removed the bed sheets and laid down and feel asleep.

The next day...

Cassandra was walking down the hallway as she continued to rube her sore throat. She entered her classroom and found Mr.Light placing worksheets on every desk. Mr.Light turned to her and smiled.

Mr.Light:Good morning Miss.Cassandra.

He stared at her and noticed she was rubbing her throat.

Mr.Light:Are you alright?

Cassandra:Yes, I just have a soar Throat that's all.

Mr.Light knew she was lying. He walked over to the door and closed it.


Mr.Light turned to look at her and stared at her.

Mr.Light:Would you like to talk about it Cassandra?

Cassandra turned away and said:N-No.

Mr.Light made her way over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Cassandra gasped and looked at him.

Mr.Light:If you need any help on anything, you can talk to me.

Cassandra stared at him.

Mr.Light:If you need anything you can come to me, alright?

Cassandra:Y-Yah, thanks.

Mr.Light smiled and let her go and made his way over to his desk and sat down just as the classroom door opened and students came in. Cassandra made her way over to her desk and looked at Mr.Light who looked up at her and smiled. Cassandra couldn't help in smile at him.

After class...

Cassandra stayed after class as Anna and the last three students exited the classroom. Cassandra walked over to Mr.Light's desk and stood in front of him. Mr.Light smiled up at her, Cassandra looked away as her cheeks turned a shade of red. Mr.Light stood up and walked over to the door, closed it and locked it then he looked at her.

Mr.Light:Care to explain?

Cassandra:I... I didn't have a sore Throat.

Mr.Light:Then what was it?

Cassandra:I.... It's nothing to be worried about.

Mr.Light:Please tell me.

Cassandra:Really Mr.Light it's noth...

Mr.Light:I told you to call me Darien. You can call me Mr.Light during class, but when we're alone call me Darien.

Cassandra:R-Right, Mr.Lig- I mean... Darien... it's nothing really. Don't worry about it.

Mr.Light:Are you sure you don't wish to talk about it?


Cassandra walked pass Mr.Light, unlocked the door and left the classroom.

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