Here We Go Again

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"Honey, I am so glad you decided to stay." Jai smiled, tipping his beer bottle against hers. "I'm going to need a lot of help with this."

They had spent the better part of their Saturday afternoon packing Jai and Denzi's apartment in preparation to move. Jai had put in a bid on the house, handsome as it was, they knew as soon as Kelly and Sean saw his name the house was his.

Unable to move in, until after the New Year, he wanted everything packed and ready for when they came home from Australia. He would be spending most of December and the first few days of January in Sydney. As happy as she was that he would be able to share Denzi with friends and family back home, she was going to miss the two of them.

"Always happy to help." She smiled, tapping her beer to his. "Do you think Denzi is going to enjoy being in Sydney?"

Jai shrugged, the cold beer resting in his hand. "I'm not really sure he'll remember much about it, but I think he'll enjoy it."

"Well, I am sure everyone will be happy to see him." She added, taking another drink.

"Yeah, real happy." Jai chuckled.

Lately Denzi had been in a bit of a habit where he liked to over share. At first Jai had excused it, but now it was getting to be a bit of a hassle and a roulette of what he would say and when. Correcting him had been working, to a point.

Jai could hear his mother's lecture now, when her grandson informed everyone he had a penis or that he knew how to poop.

"My name is Denzi Courtney and I have a penis!" Jai mimicked his son's latest greeting. "My kid is so charming, fuck. I liked it better when he was licking people."

"Well, at least he isn't pulling his pants down and showing people." She snorted.

"I did that once!" Jai defended. Why had his mother told her that story? "I was two years old and that doesn't count."

"Oh, it counts." She stopped laughing enough to take a sip of her beer. Licking her lips, she cleared her throat and sat the bottle down on the counter. "Come on, Boomer, we need to finish packing this up."

"Why didn't I hire someone to do this?" Jai sighed, setting his beer down next to hers in order to pull his shirt off. It was rather chilly outside, but inside all the packing had caused Jai to get warmer than he wanted to be.

"Because," She averted her gaze from him. Pretending to be enthralled with a toy of Denzi's. "You didn't want strangers going through your personal life."

"If it means I can get out of this, it may be worth it." Jai chuckled, tossing his shirt at her with a wink. "Oh, that one is for donation, by the way."

Nodding, she picked up the electronic helicopter that made an array of noises and put it into the box for donations. Jai had made the decision that anything they weren't using on a weekly basis got sent to those in need. It was a wise choice, until the day Denzi went looking for toys that had been shipped off.

They'd deal with that tantrum when they came to it.

Packing everything except for the every day essentials was harder than Jai had thought, even with help. Around the time they were mid way through the living room and kitchen, he had wished they'd called for someone else to help them.

She kindly pointed out that things could have moved faster, had they drank less. For a man who had been living on his own, until a year ago, Jai had a lot of useless stuff hanging around. The majority of stuff in the kitchen, he didn't even know he'd owned. Picking up a sealed box that showed the picture of a bread maker, Jai sat it on the counter top and began glancing it over.

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