Get to Know Me (Dan Feuerriegel)

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I was asked, a few times, how Roo met Dan. Well this is it...


"Honey, sorry I disappeared." Jai spoke over the phone. In the background, she could hear loud noises like it was music.

Where had he gone that there was music?

"Where are you? I've been waiting here for almost twenty minutes, are we going to get dinner?" She asked hoping he heard over all the hustle and bustle.

"Hold on." Jai loudly replied. She waited a a few seconds before the line quieted down and Jai spoke. "Sorry, I had to find a quiet place. I'm not going to make dinner. I bumped into an old mate and before I got the chance to tell you, she had me out the door. I'll see you in the morning?"

The least he could have done was tell her, before he left the hotel. She had got showered and put on something other than sweats for nothing? Asshole.

"Yeah, fine. Don't be too late coming back, you have to be up early." She finalized and ended the call, not giving him a chance to give a reply.

Who the hell would he run into in Michigan? Whatever, she didn't care as long as Jai was awake and ready by 8AM. If he wasn't then it was her ass that was getting cooked.

Nursing her beer, she frowned and glared at her phone. Jai could have at least invited her or acted like he wanted her to join him. Whatever, maybe coming here was a mistake? She had needed some extra cash and providing she made it through this convention with Jai in one piece and on time, it would be somewhat worth the pay out.

This is what you get, flying half way across the country, with a guy you've only known a few months. Nothing about this trip said Jai had to entertain her, it was a work trip after all.

Her fingers tapped the top of the pub style table, sitting alone in the corner of the hotel bar, she glanced around at the random patrons milling about. They all seemed to be engrossed in their own lives, nobody caring that she was there. After her beer, she'd return to her room, find something on the hotel's cable and fall asleep.

When Jai had mentioned this job to her, desperation had been the first thing to her mind. His usual PA, handler, babysitter - whatever one wanted to call the nerdy looking guy who usually followed him around, was unable to make this trip leaving the up and coming actor in a lurch. Agreeing, she was more than happy to help her newest friend.

The next time, he could do this on his own. Now she was being unfair, they were Day 1 of 3 into this Spartacus related event and it hadn't been all bad. The morning had started rough, no fault to Jai. The coordinator had changed the schedule and she had to ask two other people where her actor needed to be and when.

Graciously they pointed her in the right direction. One, a woman maybe a few years older than her, had smiled and told her to relax. The people attending these were use to set backs and changes. Nobody would be mad if Jai wandered in a little late.

She'd had no idea that this, this...Spartacus theme porn, as she had dubbed it, was so popular. Who would have guessed? The way Jai talked about the show, which she had yet to watch beyond the first two episodes, had made it sound like some after school special.

Tipping her beer to her lips, she sighed. Who would have thought the goofy, slightly awkward Australian she had been hanging out with had such a fan base. And it was only going to get bigger! In another month, he was off to film some movie with Tom Cruise.

May as well enjoy his friendship, while he offered it. Once he got into the Hollywood machine, Jai Courtney would be another guy too hot for anybody he'd met on the way up.

The Little Decisions Series (Jai Courtney)Where stories live. Discover now