Big Girls Don't Cry

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"Honey, this was fantastic. Thank you." Jai leaned over, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I only gave what you asked for." She smiled, tipping her beer to her lips.

A series of homemade pizzas, a case of beer, and a homemade cake; decorated by the one and only Denzi. The kitchen had been a mess of blue and green butter cream frosting, as was the child, but in the end she felt washing frosting out of Denzi's hair and hers had been worth it.

The lego men and toy motorcycle smashed into the top of the cake had been a fantastic touch. Jai had marveled over the creation, when Denzi had showed it off before dinner. Too eager to wait, the little boy was practically vibrating across the kitchen to show his father.

Denzi's excitement blew up by the time Cora and Richie arrived. Eagerly pulling them into the kitchen, he rapidly explained that it was his Da's birthday and they were making pizzas.

Pizzas devoured, cake cut, and presents opened, all that was left now was to finish clean up. Denzi had grown bored of the adults, who were avoiding such a chore, as they sat around chatting. He had streaked by only moments ago, Captain Da toy in hand, no doubt on a mission of some sort.

Quiet and relaxed had been the exact birthday Jai had hope for. Plus, if he behaved, after the night ended they still had a matter of handcuffs to be discussed. If it were up to Jai; he would have thrown Cora and Richie out as soon as dinner was over, then tucked Denzi in. He didn't care if it wasn't 7PM yet.

"I should ask for this more often." He winked, tipping his beer bottle toward her.

"I'd do this every night, but you're the one cleaning the kid and the dishes from now on." She smirked and giggled.

"I think that sounds perfectly fair." Cora added around her drink. "Why should one person do it all? If one cooks, why not let the other one clean?"

"Then why am I always doing both?" Richie winked at the other couple across the table. Patting Cora's arm, he gave her a mock look of question.

"You do not. Besides, you're a terrible cook. It's a good thing you're so pretty." Cora teased, patting his cheek. "Why can't they be useful and pretty, anyway?"

"I like to think he's pretty and useful." She countered, bumping Jai with her elbow. "Aren't you, Boomer?"

"Whatever you say, Roo." Jai replied sweetly.

Muttering about how Jai was smart, blindly agreeing, Cora smiled. Leaning back in her chair, she absentmindedly pushed a left over bit of cake around her plate. "Have you decided on a sitter for Denzi, yet?"

Now seemed like a fine time to inquire about the new sitter. The other morning, there was a mention but nothing seemed concrete after wards.

"Mmm," She sat her beer down, nodding. "Yes. Jai meets her tomorrow afternoon, if things go well then we'll introduce her to Denzi next week."

"That's great." Richie added, "I'm sure it will all work out."

"Her name is Sera, she's a former nurse. Moved here and couldn't find a job, so babysitting the joey seemed to be her best option." Jai unloaded the details. "You liked her, didn't you?" He glanced at the woman next to him.

"I did! She's nice, I'm pretty confident Denzi will love her." She beamed.

After all of her hard work trying to find the perfect person, this woman had been a gift from the angels or something. From the moment she had met Sera, it was as if the older mother was designed specifically for their needs in a sitter.

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