Kiss Me Quiet

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Alrighty then, sorry this is a little slow. It is, however, very, very, very, very important to the over all story :D

Also, this is going to be my last update for a while. I am not sure when I'll be back, exactly, but it will probably be sometime in January.


"Honey, you look exhausted." Jai sank onto the end of the couch to finish watching P.S. I Love You. He hated to admit it, although she was well aware, this movie always made him cry.

She had been working crazy hours and it was beginning to show.

Dark circles rimmed her eyes and her bright complexion gave way to a worn and tired face. Having fired two people in the last week, she was picking up their duties, as well as trying to interview potential babysitters for Denzi, and still be around for Jai and Denzi.

Having a chance to sit with Jai, alone, on the couch and do practically nothing was the greatest treat she could be given at the moment. The last week she saw him long enough to sleep in the same bed. By the time she got home, Jai would be in bed and gone before she got up in the morning. As much as they pushed each others buttons, she missed getting to spend time with Jai and Denzi. Again tonight, she arrived home to find Denzi in bed, thankfully Jai was awake and waiting for her.

Denzi had been spending almost the whole week with Cora, not that her mother minded, but it was getting tiresome and a tad tedious.

"I'm fine." She mumbled, flipping over a resume and making a few little notes.

"You need to take a break." Jai cautioned.

He had saw this before. She would get so set on something that she would work tirelessly until the task was complete. In the mean time, she risked burning herself out and he didn't want her to end up stressed or sick over these things.

"When we find a sitter, I will."

"We'll find someone."

"Oh that is rich." She mumbled, around the pen held between her teeth. "You telling me to relax. Weren't you the one anxious about this whole babysitter thing?"

For weeks Jai had stressed about finding the right person for the job. He had a list of rules that was growing daily, until she had capped them off, saying that no babysitter needed that many rules. Finding somebody to be in charge of Denzi while they were absent was a huge deal, on many levels.

Denzi was fussy about who he stayed with and Jai wasn't willing to allow just anybody into his home. Understandable.

"It wouldn't be so bad, but some of these interviews were like beating my head into the wall." She rubbed her temples and groaned.

"How many people have you met, so far?" Jai questioned. Scooting closer, he glanced over at the resume stack sitting in front of her. An arm around her shoulder, he began to knead and squeeze the tight muscles in her neck.

"Four, I have five more to go." She replied sighing when he hit a sweet spot. His magic hands felt so good. "Hopefully, oh god that feels amazing, the next five won't be this terrible."

Jai chuckled, continuing the massage, he leaned in to kiss her cheek. "I am sure they will go fine."

How bad these four had actually been, Jai wasn't entirely sure, but she was making it out as if these women were Attila the Hun. When she had came home from the latest interview, Jai had heard all about Carla Marrissa.

Explaining this woman to him, she had used her best nasally Valley Girl impression. Jai had felt it was slightly unfair, on behalf of the candidate, never the less he had let her continue.

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