Try to be Everything

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"Honey, be honest." Jai watched as Denzi threw a ball across the back yard for the bouncy dog to chase. "Am I crazy for doing this?"

"What? Crazy? Fuck no, Boomer." She laughed at such a question. "Look how excited he is!"

Earlier in the week, Jai had taken Denzi to the shelter to browse the selection of dogs. After an hour of learning about each dog they had met, Denzi insisted on the bouncy little Doxle named Dorito. The light brown dog had the biggest personality Jai had ever met, friendly with the right combination of spunk. Yesterday afternoon, Jai and Denzi returned to pick up their new little friend.

When she had arrived, the sight of the dog bounding around the yard had been a somewhat pleasant surprise. Being gone for a little over a week, a few things had changed – naturally. Dorito being the biggest and possibly best change.

"The joey's had a bit of a rough week." Jai pulled a cigarette from the red package on the patio table.

Going without saying, Denzi's rough week had been partly due to her leaving. She'd asked for a break and Jai had given her just that, but she could have at least explained to Denzi that she'd be going away. Escaping one morning, while he was at pre-school hadn't been her best plan.

"What did you tell him?" She asked jutting her chin in Denzi's direction.

"The truth." Jai shrugged, taking a drag from his cigarette. "A version of it, at least."

Watching Denzi chase after the dog in the yard, she sighed in attempt to keep back the next question. Jai would never talk ill of her to Denzi.

"He thinks you're away for work." Jai spoke, as if reading her mind. "Denzi is smart, eventually he'll know something is going on."

"So, let me guess, the dog was a distraction tactic?"

Jai flicked an ash into the tray sitting on the rail next to him, sucking air between his teeth. "It's been working. The joey is obsessed and he hardly talks about anything else."

"Nice plan."

"You're sure?" Jai questioned, laughing when the short legged dog stumbled a little trying to stop in order to get the bright orange ball.

"A dog is good. Plus, it's good for him to have a tiny bit of responsibility."

Jai had promised Denzi a dog under a few conditions: Denzi had to help feed the dog. He had to play with the dog at least two hours a day – wearing both dog and child out, and finally if they were going to keep a dog then Denzi had to follow every single rule given to them by the shelter. No rough housing, no hitting or screaming at Dorito, and absolutely no sneaking him any type of food unless an adult said it was okay.

24 Hours in and already Dorito seemed to be absolutely relaxed and happy to be in his new home. The three year old was placed in the shelter when his former owner had passed unexpectedly; she knew how it was trying to find your place after something like that. The light brown blur whizzed by Denzi barking and yelping with excitement as the little boy tried to throw the ball as far as he could.

"He adores you for this, you know." She smiled, nudging Jai in the side with her elbow. "A dog, you're the greatest dad in the universe."

"I just want him happy, ya know? The joey's a good kid and he deserves to have all the things that make a little boy happy." Jai would give Denzi the world, if Denzi asked for it and truly felt he wanted or needed it.

"I know you would, you big softy." She giggled, leaning into him.

"He uh, he wanted you there too, you know." The words tumbled out before Jai could stop them.

The Little Decisions Series (Jai Courtney)Where stories live. Discover now