House of Blues

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"Honey, don't worry about it come on." Jai urged her through dinner. "Work will be there tomorrow."

She had arrived home a little over an hour ago and had barely put work down long enough to eat dinner. Her theory was that if she finished it tonight, she could take tomorrow to actually accomplish other tasks, not that Jai seemed to care.

Coming home, later than expected, to have dinner waiting for her was a rather nice gesture. Denzi had been tucked in, courtesy of Sera, which left Jai to throw together a quick meal and get ready for her arrival. He'd been out as well and some how had managed to get everything done before she stepped through the door.

Dinner, even at eight-thirty in the evening, was always welcomed after a long day in the office.

"You know what, you're right." She had conceded, agreeing that spending the rest of the evening in the hot tub was a much better idea.

Her body ached and it would be a great way to unwind before bed. Settled in the temperature controlled water, a sigh lingered when Jai poured her a fresh glass of scotch. He was working all the angles tonight, surprising, seeing as they hadn't exactly been Couple of the Year these last few weeks.

"Hot tub, scotch, and dinner made? You are impressive." She smirked patting his cheek.

"You said it was a hard day, when we talked." Jai turned to adjust the jet behind him.

"Mmm, I was really rode hard this evening."

"Sounds awful." Jai lightly sympathized. "I hope it was worth it."

"Oh, trust me, it was worth it. Every now and then a good slap on the ass is needed to get a gal motivated."

A laugh rumbled in Jai's chest in reply, barely audible over the sound of the hot tub. "Sounds like my kind of motivation."

"Believe me, it works every time." She smirked and began adjusting the tie on her bikini top.

She tugged the string around her neck allowing it to fall from her chest. Swiftly undoing the second string behind her back, she sighed and stretched her arms tossing the blue top onto the deck. Her body ached in the best way possible, driving home had been a task, her back sore from being bent over her desk. The hot water and jets soothed the aches and pains, making her feel almost mobile once again.

Relaxed against the side of the hot tub, her eyes closed, she took in appreciation for the cool evening air and the hot water. Across from her, Jai allowed the water to ease the tension that had been building during the last few days. They had been on egg shells and Jai felt they were only going to get rockier before they got back to smooth ground.

His fear of another blow up was what led him to the evening's earlier events. Twisted, odd, and extremely hot it had been the perfect way to break some of the tension that had mounted. She had made it evident that she wanted Jai to side with her, to tell Cora that it was a dumb idea to move and Jai couldn't.

How could he stand around and insist that Cora moving was a bad thing, when it wasn't? Jai adored Cora, he loved her almost as much as his own mum, and he wanted her happy. If Cora wanted to move across the country, then Jai was going to support that in every way he could. Eventually, she would get over it and see that her mother's choice was a good thing.

"I think it may be an early night." She lifted her glass to her lips. As great as this was, upstairs there was a large, warm bed waiting for her to fall into. "Do you mind?"

"Okay, but before we call it an evening, there are some things we need to discuss." Jai wanted to do anything else, but Cora had asked that he passed along the news and now was better than later.

The Little Decisions Series (Jai Courtney)Where stories live. Discover now