Dirty Laundry

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"Honey is there any answer to that?" Jai asked leaning forward in his seat to look at her closer. His hands were folded and resting on his knees, his brow raised and his eyes digging a hole in her.

Only she knew why he was here.

Sitting on the cliche leather sofa, in the not cliche brightly painted office, she pursed her lips and wrinkled her nose.

"I wanted Jai to be here, because in all honesty we have a lot of unresolved issues." She bit her bottom lip. There were no need for nerves, yet here they were. "It's not fair to either of us, if we can't safely open up and discuss who and what we are."

"Well that certainly sounds fair." The smart dressed, silvering haired lady spoke from the chair a few feet away.

Upon meeting Doctor Wendy Todd; Jai immediately liked her. She wasn't cold or off putting like he had imagined a therapist to be. On the contrary, she had been rather welcoming in her tone and manners. Her office overlooked a freshly manicured park and the large windows, allowing in floods of sunlight, did wonders for the atmosphere.

"And how does being here sit with you?"

Jai appreciated the way she was wording her questions. A little less formal than he had imagined them to be as well.

"I'm honestly up for whatever she wants. I was a little shy about it, but if it is going to help us and if it is important to her, then I'm here." Jai answered with the most honesty he had given to anybody in weeks.

When she had asked him to come to this therapy session, Jai had been hesitant, never the less he had given in and here they were.

They had been getting ready to go their separate ways for bed one evening, last week, when she had lingered outside of his room a little longer than she usually did when saying goodnight. Jai had mentioned the two of them needing an evening out, when she gathered the courage. The question had been precise when she'd asked, adding that if he didn't want to then there would be no hard feelings.

"Are you sure? Therapy? You want me to come with you?" Jai rubbed his hands over his face.

"Look, it isn't my idea of a date either, but it would mean a lot to me." She pressed the palms of her hands into his chest. The hair that adorned his chest was ticklish under her touch. "If you don't want to, I'm not going to be offended."

"Babe, it isn't that I don't want to go." Jai sighed, his arms loosely resting around her waist. "I'll go, but I want to make sure it isn't going to disrupt anything."

"Disrupt? No, Boomer." She smiled sweetly. "If anything this is going to help us. We need to talk and we need to air things out. This is going to be good. I promise."

"Let me know the time and day, I'll see you there."

"Really?" The look she wore was shock and appreciation.

"Of course! I want to do this right." Jai kissed the tip of her nose. Wincing when he realized his actions. Mumbling a quick apology. Affection had been limited, upon the view that it could hinder any clear decision she was to make on their relationship. Jai was a little unclear on that rule, seeing as she didn't mind the intimacy the three times they'd had sex.

"It's fine. Honestly." She shrugged it off. "Thank you."

Making a few more notes on her paper, Dr. Todd furrowed her brow before speaking. "The two of you have known one another a rather long time. Do you often give in so easily, Jai?"

"Uh, well." Jai rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess I've learned that it is easier to give in, than to argue."

"Yet we still manage to fight." She rolled her eyes.

The Little Decisions Series (Jai Courtney)Where stories live. Discover now