Cheap Thrills

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As requested, we have Jai, Roo, and Dan in a threesome. Hopefully it lives up to expectations. 


"Honey, you are fucking insane." Jai's voice was low and gritty in her ear. "I can't believe you talked me into this."

"Relax." She whispered, kissing him lightly and running her finger across his bottom lip. "You're the one who said we needed to be more open."

"This," he nodded toward the other man, his jaw clenched, "is not what I meant."

"Are you intimidated?" Her eyes were full of mirth. Her fingers gently ran through his curls, tugging at the ends. Giving into the tugs on his hair, Jai groaned. This woman was going to be the death of him. He was sure of it.

Intimidated? By Dan? Never. No matter how good the other guy looked naked.

"This is what you want?" Jai clarified, his brow raised and his eyes trained on her.

Biting her bottom lip, she nodded slowly. "Please, Boomer." her voice whiny and pleading.

"You're fucking impossible." Jai chuckled. Who was he to deny her what she wanted? "Are you sure it has to be him?"

"Yes." she stated firmly. "Yes, I am sure it has to be Dan. Is that a problem?"

"Not for me." Dan cut in.

"Me either." Jai's stare stayed locked on her face.

Elated was the only way to describe her feelings. Having her cake and eating it too. One was good in bed, the other better. How wonderful for her; she could have both.

Rules laid down, she giggled in absolute happiness. Giddy didn't begin to describe how she was feeling. Naked and confident that she could have exactly what she wanted, she leaned over knowing out of instinct Jai would pout like a toddler, if she didn't give him attention first.

Kissing the side of his jaw, she skimmed her fingers over his body. His chest, trailing down to his abs, her hands exploring every inch of his glorious body. His skin was soft and smooth under the tufts of hair, his muscles hard and taut.

Fuck this man was gorgeous.

Not to be outdone by his counterpart, of course.

She had always admired how Dan was built. Tall, lean, and just as muscular as Jai. Shifting her attention, she pushed her hand against Jai's chest, indicating she was done with him, for now.

Fuck, why did she let Dan go? This had been all hers to play with and she had foolishly walked away. Silly, silly girl. Glancing over her shoulder at Jai, she smirked. Right.

Dan's actions were always soft and somewhat gentle. She admired that, despite the fact she wasn't a china doll and she wouldn't break under him.

His body was as defined as Jai's, his abs looked just as nice - maybe even nicer. She giggled, her hand against his chest, fingers dragging and creating red lines down his body. Biting at his lip, she leaned in to give him a kiss. His lips were always welcoming and held an odd comfort for her.

She pulled back, taking a good look at what was before her. Oh how lucky she was!

Jai's thumb ran across her bottom lip, closing her lips around the tip of his thumb, her head dipped and she sucked it into her mouth. He watched her perfect lips wrap around his thumb, her tongue gently sliding against his skin. Sucking his thumb, she continued to slowly bob her head in a rhythmic motion, her eyes never leaving his.

His adam's apple shifted in a deep swallow and she grinned, letting him have his thumb back. Licking her lips, she inhaled sharply, her hands on the waist band of his boxers.

The Little Decisions Series (Jai Courtney)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora