Planning Ahead

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"Honey, thank you for letting us hang here." Jai leaned in, going for a kiss, worth a try. Turning away from him, she led Denzi into the living room, asking him something about cartoons. "Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Hmm?" She looked at Jai, it was as if she hadn't heard a thing he'd said. "Oh? Yeah, sure hang out here. It's fine."

Cold and ignoring, her go to attitude when something hadn't gone her way. Jai wouldn't fight it this time, after all he had earned it. There wasn't much use trying to deny what he had said, because it wouldn't work. She had been so upset with him; Jai was amazed she was speaking to him.

If he were her, after the way he had acted, he wouldn't speak to him.

The entire situation had been bad from start to finish. Jai should have never gone ahead and took advantage of her offer. Every fucking time they had sex, something came back to bite him in the ass.

This time had been no different.

Standing in the middle of his half packed, half torn apart bed room, Jai felt like he was going to puke. He stood, furrowed brow, slightly panicked. She was going to have a hit. He may as well kiss his ass goodbye, because she was going to freak out when he told her about this little discovery.

Half listening to some silly comment she was making about having sex, Jai cleared his throat and prepared for the worse. "Our condom broke."

How the hell had that happened? How had he not noticed sooner? Here they went, from his lips to her ears. Jai stood, wishing he had put some sort of clothing on, waiting for what seemed like an eternity.

"The condom...broke?" She seemed to sober up from the buzz that had been rolling around her earlier.

"I uh, I didn't notice,'s um...I'm..." He couldn't seem to find any words. Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing in that empty space he called a brain.

"Okay, well." She shifted uneasily in his bed. "Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty fucking sure, Roo. It's broke, top split and well..." He didn't seem to take direct notice of her actions, but he knew she was out of bed and slowly getting dressed.

He should get dressed too. Damn it, why couldn't he move?

Every muscle, every nerve was frozen. Unable to move, he stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, naked as the day he was born.

In one of his tshirts, she stood with her hands on her hips, biting her bottom lip. Jai knew that pensive and concentrated look, she was in thought. Analyzing what to say, what to do.

"Not the first time." She shrugged and chuckled a little. "It's no big deal, don't worry about it. I can..."

"Don't worry?" He had suddenly felt something inside of his brain snap. Don't worry? What the hell was she going on about? Of course he was going to worry. "We can't have a baby! No fucking way can we have a kid."

"Whoa, Jai, calm down." She held out her hand. "Nobody said we were going to have a baby."

"Usually, when you have unprotected sex, babies are the result." Jai blurted out that rather botched scientific fact. "We're not ready for this, we're in a really bad place to even think we could have a kid together."

Staring at him as if he'd grown another head, she blinked rapidly. Stunned, she had no words for that.

"Fuck, Roo, you can't even process whether or not you want to be with me. Now we have this? I have one kid, I didn't sign up for another." He continued, his hands balled into fists at his side, his chest heaving. From her point of view, he looked like a total fool. Naked, seething about how he wouldn't be a father in this way.

The Little Decisions Series (Jai Courtney)Where stories live. Discover now