Tell The Truth

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"Honey, your mum's here." Jai walked in, his gray tshirt stained in grease and oil. His hands were coated in a thick black substance and he smelled like fuel.

"Ugh, Boomer, tell me that you used a clean rag to open the doors." She grumbled, turning on the taps and pointing at them. Pouring a large squirt of dish soap into the palm of his waiting hands, her nose wrinkled at the black suds forming.

"Of course he didn't." Cora added joining them in the kitchen, Richie in tow. "He couldn't wait two minutes for someone to open them either." A pointed glare was sent in Jai's direction.

"If he wants to leave a mess behind, he's the one cleaning it." She shrugged and tossed Jai a small towel. If he wanted to work in the garage, fine, but she was over these messes, including tools and parts in the dishwasher.

"Where's Denzi?" Taking notice that the little boy was MIA. Her mother was digging in the fridge, busy telling Jai something about lemons.

Use to being slightly ignored by the pair, she was taken back with delight when Richie answered her.

"He's playing in the back yard. He wanted to go run around for a bit, before it got too dark." Richie spoke up. "Things were a bit crazy today and he didn't get much outside time after Cora picked him up."

"I know all about crazy." An exasperated sigh escaped.

Her day had gone from bad to worse. An accident had made her almost an hour late for work, where she was forced to deal with an issue between the new intern and another employee. If this continued, she would be firing the intern by the end of the week. Coming home, she was met by Jai's bike taken apart and strewn around the garage. The cherry on top was the dirty dishes from the dishwasher piled on the counter, in favour of a bike part being shoved in the dishwasher.

Yelling would solve nothing, despite the fact she had wanted to throw a fit. Jai had spoke to her on his way home from the gym, he knew that her day had been terrible. Why he would attempt to make it worse was almost hurtful. Holding back tears, she had gone upstairs to change, which is where the day took a turn.

Laid out on the bed was a warmed towel, her robe, and blue bikini bottoms with a note saying by the time she changed the hot tub would be ready. Changing into the bottoms and her robe, she returned down stairs to find a glass of wine on the counter. Despite the grease smudged finger prints on the glass, she felt her annoyance slowly slip away.

A solo soak in the hot tub was nice, better had Jai stripped down and joined her, but nice never the less even if her wax job was being wasted. Alone, just her and her wine, made it almost perfect. Too bad that feeling didn't last long after she'd got out.

Jai had tracked through the kitchen several times and she was getting fed up. Banning him to the garage until Denzi came home, she managed to get some things cleaned until now.

"Thankfully today is over." She added watching from the corner of her eye as her mother rubbed a lemon on Jai's hands. The curse he let, when the acid seeped into a cut on his hand, was somewhat deserved.

"Hopefully it will turn around." Richie concluded, dropping Denzi's bag on the counter, he informed her that he had to go back outside to join Denzi for a game of tag.

Some what clean hands, Jai returned outside as well, this time he left less of a greasy mess. Picking up the towel that Jai had used to wipe his hands, she grimaced at the wet and slightly stained kitchen towel.

The hot tub was supposed to relax her and decrease her stress. Jai had been kind enough to set that up for her, why did he continue to raise her stress levels?

The Little Decisions Series (Jai Courtney)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora