Rules? More Like Guidelines

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"Honey." Jai warned in a low tone. "You know I love you in black, but that towel has got to go."

His hands had expertly undid the towel that was wrapped around her body, revealing her naked form. Grasping the towel, Jai pressed his body against her, inhaling the fresh scent of her shampoo and body wash.

"Classy, Jai." A low chuckle vibrated in her bare chest. Her arms laid around his neck, fingers dancing into the back of his hair. "You are aware that I just showered?" Her eyes locked on his.

Nodding, he gripped one hand onto her backside while the other traveled across her hip. "Another shower won't hurt."

Commenting on how he was "terrible" she ran her hand down the back of his neck and along his shoulders. The muscles tensing under her feather light touch.

"You're a fucking goddess." He purred in her ear. "So fucking hot."

His accent was thick and his breath was hot on her neck. Her skin began to heat up with every inch he touched. Gripping his shoulders for support, her head dropped onto his chest as he slipped a finger between her folds.

Another finger followed and Jai's thumb brushed against her clit, causing her body to shudder against him. Her fingers bit into the skin on his arms, as he pumped in and out of her. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second at his actions.

"Jai." She hissed, shifting away from his hand rather abruptly.

"Let me finish, fuck you're in a hurry." Jai chuckled, taking his fingers deeper.

"Jai!" Hissing again, this time she smacked the back of his shoulder. "D-Denzi is..."

Frozen in place, her eyes are wide in horror. The little boy didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary as he traipsed across the bedroom, climbing onto the bed with Tunks in hand. Rubbing his eyes, Denzi was completely unaware of the interruption he caused.

"Shit!" Jai muttered moving to cover her body with his while she scrambled to grab her towel from the floor. "Denzi." He directed his attention to his son. "Go to bed."

The frustration in Jai's tone going unnoticed by his son; she didn't hear all of Denzi's response as she ducked into the bathroom. It was bound to happen eventually, there was no way they could avoid this forever.

On the other side of the bathroom door, she could hear the deep rumble of Jai's voice followed by Denzi's light tone. The voices fade, giving her the opportunity to dart out of the bathroom to grab her shorts and one of Jai's tshirts.

Jai's footsteps can be heard coming down the hall, grumbles and grunts matching each step. Closing the bedroom door behind him, a frown on his face when he saw her sitting in bed. Fully dressed, under the covers, she sat scrolling through her iPad.

Disappointed would be a bit too far in describing how he felt right now. Jai should have known she wouldn't be naked and waiting, when he came back in. Having a kid barge in, unaware, was known to be quite the mood killer - a reason he had been so careful to not have sex when Denzi was around.

If she was going to be living here that, along with a few other rules, were going to change and fairly quick.

"Did he go back to bed okay?" She asked glancing up from the screen.

"Yeah, he went back fine. He was looking for a glass of water and couldn't find the cup I sent to bed with him." Jai clarified. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he gave a slight smile.

The second Jai stepped into his son's room the lidded blue cup was sitting, like a beacon, on Denzi's bedside table. Exactly the spot where Jai had left it, when he'd tucked Denzi in over three hours ago. Maintaining that he didn't see the cup, Denzi grabbed it and got his drink, before curling up in his self made nest of blankets and closing his eyes.

The Little Decisions Series (Jai Courtney)Where stories live. Discover now