Mistake with coffee

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  Last night had gone as slow as yoongi had expected. What he didn't expect was staying up as late as he did. For some reason, he just couldn't sleep. When he finally did fall asleep it was almost 6 in the morning.

Yoongi woke up about three hours later, which he didn't mind honestly because it meant he didn't sleep through talking to taehyung. He wanted to get to know him more, and he wanted to prove jimin wrong. He slowly slipped out of bed, going through his normal morning routine.

For some reason, yoongi put extra thought into how he looked. He cursed that it was winter, so he couldn't show off his beautifully toned legs. In the end, he went for a black turtleneck with ripped jeans. It maybe winter but if he has the chance he's gonna let the world know about these fine legs. He put on his shoes and jacket and headed out to the Starbuck, a small skip in each step.

The cold December air blew through Seoul causing yoongi to shiver. He almost went inside to change his pants, almost, but he kept walking. Soon enough he was at his destination walking through the door, greeted by a smile.

If you looked just at jimin's smile, you'd think he was being kind. It was only when you looked at his entire face you could see the devious jimin he knew all too well. "did you think about it?" He said as I walked in and yoongi laughed. "yes I did and I concluded that there can't be love when I know barely anything about him" "then why did you come in today, you're off." Jimin retorted. "I always come in to check on you guys just in case you needed some backup." Once again he saw jimin's smile get larger than he thought it could.

"Then why did you come when work is at it's slowest." Well, shit he wasn't wrong there. He didn't have to come at this time, he didn't have to keep his promise to
taehyung. They barely knew each other so why would taehyung expect it to actually happen.

Yoongi looked down at the floor as if it would give him the sarcastic comeback he was looking for. "Can I just get an Americano jimin, I barely slept last night" "cause you couldn't stop thinking about tae tae~" Tae tae? He raised an eyebrow at the nickname. He didn't quite like it but at the same time he found it nice and that it suited taehyung.

As he was waiting for his coffee, taehyung walked with no jungkook in sight. "jungkook could make it today?" I asked while looking at jimin waiting for disappointment to fall on his face. "he said he had to finish a paper and wanted to be alone." Taehyung had trailed off on the last part and yoongi wondered why.

"how come you're not behind the counter today?" He questioned. "I'm off today." A smile appeared on his face and he walked further to me as I
was receiving my coffee. "you're off but you still came in to talk? You're nicer than I thought you were." What he said was followed by laughter which was enough to keep me from hitting his arm. Just this once, though, just this once.

Sundays were always extremely slow days, so when yoongi saw that jimin was leaving early it didn't bother him. What bothered him was he wouldn't say where he was going. Taehyung however, did seem to know. When I gave him a questioning look he explained. "the paper is in the class they share, so it basically a study date"

That's good, yoongi thought to himself. Hopefully, jimin could finally say something about his feelings. Although knowing jimin, he probably won't.

"so, did you meet jimin through this job?" Was what snapped yoongi out of his thoughts. "no our moms are friends so I've know him since we were little." Taehyung nodded looking down at his hands."did you meet jungkook through college?" I asked trying to keep things from getting awkward. A soft "yea" came from taehyung, which Yoongi noted was kinda cute.

When taehyung had given yoongi a questioning look and then pointed to his legs yoongi laughed. "i know" "you know its cold yet you still wore ripped jeans, you're crazy hyung." Yoongi laughed once more and looked at his once forgotten coffee, it was probably cold by now.

"so you don't like coffee?" "Pretty much" "then what's in the cup?" "coffee" "but i thought-" taehyung was stopped by a loud sigh that had come from yoongi. You could see he really didn't want to talk about it and so taehyung stopped.

Yoongi never chugged coffee so fast. He now felt extremely awkward after what had just happened and overall didn't know what to say or do. This sorta triggered a small amount of anxiety in him. He tried thinking of things that calmed him down. He thought of his favorite song which helped a little bit.

Yoongi guessed the sight of him chugging down coffee was amusing to taehyung because he heard that golden laugh and everything was ok. "you're so weird hyung" was said through fits of giggles. "never claimed to be normal in the first place" I mumbled as I felt my face get a bit warm. They probably had the heat too high up like normal.

"So what do you do when you're not working?" "either write music or sleep" The amazement on taehyung's face was something yoongi never wanted to stop, it was the brightest thing he'd ever seen. "Wow you write music, I bet you have a golden voice too.." Taehyung had rested he head on his hand as he finished his sentence. "I can't sing for shit, jimin is the one who can sing." "so do you guys work together, like one writes the music the other sings it?"

That question brought back memories of his childhood when he wrote his first song and jimin loved it so much he wouldn't stop singing it for over a month. "I guess that's what used to happen, but not really anymore." A pout formed on taehyung's face, But then it suddenly went bright again. " Do you think you could show me your work..?"

He barely showed his work to jimin without hesitation so the thought of showing somebody he barely knew for a month seemed like a taboo. He wanted to nod but a larger part of him forced the stern "no" out of him.

He hated seeing the disappointment on taehyung's face, he almost wanted to take his no back but the words got stuck in his throat. "I have to go work on a paper" he said as he stood up. Before yoongi knew it he had grabbed Taehyung's arm which had caused him to stumble into yoongi. When taehyung looked up their lips almost touch. Out of shock yoongi pushed taehyung away mumbling a "sorry" and taehyung had nodded.

This time, as taehyung took each step yoongi didn't feel a tug in his chest. Instead, he felt his heart shatter little breaking when he walked out the door. Yoongi had really fucked up this time.  

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