A Brighter Day

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  Yoongi has never seen someone eat a slice of pizza so fast in his entire life. He's also never had to convince someone so badly to sleep. "But I slept for three weeks straight hyung! Please stay longer" "Taehyung I can't stay any longer visiting hours are over. Its 11pm please try to sleep." "But hyung-" "I promise tomorrow you can stay up as late as you want, sadly I don't make the rules for the hospital ok tae." "ok.. Promise you come as soon as possible though.. Its really easy to get lonely in this room.." Yoongi nodded and Taehyung smiled big. Yoongi waved goodbye as he left going home to get some rest as well, today truly took all of his energy.

The next morning yoongi got up and did his morning routine. Then he got out of his house and left for the hospital. Arriving into taehyung's room he saw him signing his discharge papers, now clothed in his normal attire, no longer wearing a hospital gown. After that, they went to Taehyung's place to pick up somethings he needed while staying at Yoongi's. You know, the usually clothes and toiletries.

Now they were back at Yoongi's place, yoongi hold taehyung's bag for him. "Hyung, really I can hold it." "Nope you have literally been getting fluid nutrients for the past three weeks, I'm not letting you carry heavy things until you've gone a week with good food." God he was starting to sound like Jin, acting all mother like. He heard a pout and then an ok from Taehyung and he started walking to his room.

"I've only got one bedroom, so you'll stay here and ill sleep on the couch." Yoongi said while placing taehyung's suitcase on his bed. "It's ok I can stay on the couch." Taehyung said looking down fiddling with his fingers. "You're my guest Taehyung, you stay on the bed." Taehyung nodded in defeat.

"You hungry?" Yoongiquestion and taehyung was now nodding eagerly, yoongi chuckled. "Ok, let's go get you something to eat then." Yoongi felt extremely like a mother, and less like a person taking care of their crush. God why did he have to call taehyung his crush, he wasn't a teenage girl in high school.

[times skip after food]

The two were walking the streets of Seoul having conversations of different things filled with breaks of comfortable silence. Taehyung was wearing Yoongi's coat since he forgot his. You could see Taehyung was cherishing each moment he had in that coat. Yoongi thought it was cute. Still, the younger was cold, so he stayed close to yoongi pretty much cuddling into his side as he walked. Yoongi didn't mind because he too was cold, now with a lack of jacket, so this meant warmth for him as well.

"What did you do when you visited me in the hospital?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi felt a little
awkward answering his question. He wasn't sure if he should say everything he did. "I just sorta, talked, as if you were awake. Told you about my day. Nothing special really." Yea nothing special, except for every time he held taehyung's hand, or when he told him he loved him. Nothing special.

Taehyung had nodded. "And you came every day just to talk to no one? I must be special." A smile was brought to Taehyung's face and yoongi felt multiple tugs in his chest, god he missed this feeling. He chuckled "Definitely special." He looked away hiding the blush forming on his face.

When they arrived back home, taehyung hugged yoongi. "Thank you for letting me stay here, and for looking after me while I was in the hospital." He said although it was muffled since taehyung was pretty much talking into Yoongi's shoulder. Still, yoongi heard his words making him smile. He ruffled the younger's hair.

"quit being so sappy, you're going to make me sick." he said jokingly and they laughed.
They sat on the couch watching cartoons, or at least taehyung was watching cartoons. Yoongi was either stealing glances at the younger or spacing out. They had slowly gotten closer to each other, taehyung cuddling up yoongi slightly. Yoongi wondered if it was just he'd been out cold for three weeks and was trying to get used to the idea of that or if taehyung had feelings for him. He hoped it was the second choice.

8 episodes later and he saw a sleeping taehyung, face half buried into yoongi's side, but you could still see his sleepy grin. Yoongi smiled softly at the sight before him. He moved carefully to get the blanket behind him, laying it on Taehyung with precaution, afraid he might wake the younger up. He was going to love this next month.  

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