Yea im ok (fuck no im not.)

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[ there might be some slight triggering events in this chapter I'm not sure but I want to be safe so if you are not comfortable with mentions of abuse please be careful at the end of this chapter.]

Ever since the phone call with his mother, Yoongi has been overly nostalgic. There would be nights where it'd keep him up until he had to wake up for work. The lack of sleep was setting him back in both how he worked and all the progress he had made with his caffeine addiction. "Hyung are you sure..?" Jimin asked one day when Yoongi was making his third cup of coffee. "Yea I'm sure." He answered hesitantly. He tried convincing himself that it was ok, that he wouldn't fall back in. However he knew it wasn't. "Have you been drinking water too? You know that stuff is a dehydrant right?" Yoongi nodded, noting to himself that he should drink more water only for him to soon forget. His mind was constantly racing from different things that had already happened, different parts of his past. With how events were playing out however, he felt like he was back in the past.

All the anxiety and nostalgia was ruining his appetite as well. Overall everything that was going on was ruining him mentally and physically. He hadn't even noticed how worried Taehyung was until he pretty much force feeding the older. "Hyung please, you've barely eaten today. It's been the same these past few days as well."

All Yoongi was waiting for now was the break down. He knew it was coming, he just knew. However, as each day past without panic. Well, at least he didn't panic. Everyone else was a mess. There were worried expressions thrown Yoongi's way along with different questions of "are you ok?" Yoongi would just shrug in response never really feeling that bad through the first few days.

It didn't hit him until one morning when he woke up with ringing in his ears. That night he was lucky enough to get 20 minutes of sleep. Slowly, very very slowly, he got out of bed and moved to the bathroom. It was then that he saw the horrible dark circles forming under his eyes. He noted to himself to work on his sleeping predicament. Sluggishly he moved through his morning routine. When they were leaving the apartment and the older was locking the door, he pretty much just dropped the key. He went to pick it up and when standing up straight he must've gone to fast cause he felt a little wobbly. Still, he continued with his day. During their walk to work Taehyung started to question him. "Hyung did you drink without me last night? You look hung over." Silence from Yoongi. "Or are you drunk now cause you're walking all wobbly." The older just ignored him. The ringing in his ears was starting to get annoying and the lack of sleep wasn't helping his patience. At work he almost spilt coffee multiple times as the ringing grew worse.

It came to a point where he pretty much couldn't hear anymore. He looked over at Jimin whom he was having a conversation with. He looked at him confused before black started to creep into his vision. The last thing he saw was Jimin saying 'hyung' before everything went black. He felt cold and his legs grew weak. He felt himself starting to fall and then,

There was nothing.

[Taehyung's P.O.V.]

"hyung? HYUNG" he heard, the second 'hyung' grabbing his attention. He looked over the counter as he watched someone fall.


Jimin was quick to catch the oldest and he saw Namjoon pulling out his phone dialing the number. It took Taehyung a moment to process the situation dashing to the counter coming to a conclusion Yoongi didn't just trip and fall. "What happened Jimin? Is he ok?" There was a shakiness to his voice and you could tell the youngest was taking it the hardest. " He just.. passed out. We're calling the hospital now." He said looking over at Namjoon. Taehyung moved behind the counter so he could be closer to Yoongi. "I knew something was up but I didn't expect this..." Jimin mumbled just barely loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

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