Chapter 1

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Have you ever had a secret crush on your parents friend? Like that older guy that just feels so yumm. Well yeah I know this sounds crazy. How can you even look at an older guy? And more crazy how can you look at a guy who's actually your parents age?!
Yeah ...well it's me we're talking about. I'm Inna Jones, for the ones who just started reading my blog. I'm 20 years old ... I don't have any siblings,  but I do have some cousins, but they live in Australia so we don't really talk.

Now, for the ones who do know my life, you know how crazy I get sometimes. And the ones who are new, well try not to judge, we all have our problems.

As I was saying, I've decided to finally let you know that I officially admited I have a secret crush on the man who's 20 years older than me. Yeah ... my dad had me when he was so young cause well, I'm a mistake. But my mkm being two years older than him and loving kids, decided to keep me. So I guess my dad is a nice man for marring her. Anyway back to my dad's friend.  Well if you could see him you wouldn't totally blame me. He's .. well his six foot tall and he has curly blonde hair and man I've never seen a more beautiful smile than his. Don't get me talking about his beard, cause that is the absolute perfection that makes him so hot. But there might be just one problem with him. He's -

"Y/n, would you please come downstairs? Dinner is ready and everyone is here." I hear mom yelling snaping me out of my writing about Ashton. I scoff deleting the sentence I was starting and the one I wrote earlier and just post the paragraph as it was. I started writing 3 years ago when I started my sex life and well I can say I'm an open book, but I use fake names, cause I don't want anyone who I know that the person behind that blog is actually me.

"Y/n Hood!" I hear my mom yelling once again "get downstairs." I close my laptop quickly and check me out in the mirror. I fix my cleavage knowing he will be here tonight and I run downstairs.

"Hey." I smile to everyone at the table. My dad is sitting at the head of the table and mom is still standing bringing some juice. Jack, a friend of dad's and Ashton's is sitting with his wife, Joanne in the left side the table. Mom will of course be seated near dad in the right side as there's a chair there. I look at Miriam who's staying next to mom and then to Ashton who's sitting next to Miriam and I can't believe what he saw in her. She's so ugly. I think about sitting next to Ashton but then I decide it's better if I sit in front if him so I can have a better look.

I go near Joanne and sit down. "Hey Y/n." They all say and Ashton, being the one who babysitted me when I was little, winks at me.
"So you finished your homework?" He asks and I laugh thinking abiut what I have just wrote about earlier.
"Making progress." I smile and he laughs.

Dad starts talking about work and mom and the other woman talk about kids and Joanne is expecting a baby. I'm just looking at them sometimes catching Ashton smile to me, but of course he smiles because I'm his best friend's daughter. I still can't believe I was the flower girl at his wedding with Miriam. I was 8 back then.

"Oh Phoebe, this stake is tastes as good as it looks." Jack compliments mom.
"Well thank you, I'm glad you like it." Mom smiles and then I see Ashton lofting his chin and looks at me.
"Well apparently everything that comes from Phoebe is good looking." He smiles looking at me. Miriam just nods smiling. 
"So when are you gonna present us your boyfriend?" He asks and everyone is laughing looking at me.
"Oh, I'm not familiar with that term." I smile politely thinking about all the guys I had a night stand with.

"You've always been one of the good girls, huh?" He smiles and I laugh nodding.  "Yes. What can I tell, dad taught me well." I smile looking at dad and shakes his head smiling. They really do believe I'm actually one of the good girls. I always say I'm staying at a friend, when in reality I'm clubbing and spending the nights in different places every time.

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