Chapter 24

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Ashton's POV

I check my phone and wonder how much Y/n is gonna be out. It is pretty late already, I am starting to worry, even though she did said Hayden had some sort of problem. Are they okay?

I hear a loud noise on the street and I jump from my seat to see what is going on. My eyes go wide as I see Y/n's car on the sidewalk and I feel my knees going weak. I feel my legs running downstairs and I can hear the sirens coming fast, almost racing me. I cannot hear my thoughts as the blood is pumped so hard in my system. I run to the car but the paramedics beat me to her. I see them gently placing her body on the stretcher and I don't even know if she is awake or even aware of her surroundings.

"Y/n?" I shout finally reaching them and the two paramedics look confused as they want to do their job. "Can you hear me?" I ask seeing her eyes closed, blood from her nose but she does not reply. 

"Sir, can you step back?" I look at Y/n as she is taken and I need to fucking pull it together.

"Wait. Take me with you." I tell them trying to get my shit together.

"Sorry sir, that is not possible." They say and I roll my eyes.

"Not possible my ass. I'm a neurosurgeon at St Andrew's. She's my girlfriend. Take her there." I say entering the back of the ambulance and they nod as I check her pulse and her breathing is not normal at all. I check her chest and I realize she has a few broken left ribs. 

"Please tell me your brain is not hemorrhaging." I look at her scared that she might not even make it to the hospital. I open her eyes and luckily she responds to light stimuli. I see the doors opening and I get out of the ambulance and lead the stretcher she is laid on.

"Car crash, broken ribs, head trauma, loss of consciousness, breathing rhythm way off, possibly brain hemorrhage. I need her to be IV-ed. I need her vitals to be steady, I need a CT scan, I need to-" I am left with no air as I look around and  Dr Acless coming near me.

"That's Dr. Hood's daughter. Are you okay?" He asks looking at me and I see nurses taking Y/n and I nod looking at my hands shaking. I am not okay. I should not have let her go alone. I should have been there for here. This is all my fault.

I need to keep it together. I need to focus. I look at the CT of her brain and feel my chest getting heavy. I see the brain bleeding and all I can think about is stopping the bleeding but it's like my brain has stopped functioning.

"Should we prepare and operating room or would you like to keep her observation?" Dr Acless asks and at times like this I would call Calum and ask for his advice.

"I need to speak to Dr. Hood." I say looking at the scan and the hemorrhage is not severe. I tell the nurses to take Y/n in a private room where I can keep her under observation until I talk to Calum. As I move her to a room I see him running towards me.

"What happened? Is she okay?" He asks looking at her avoiding any eye contact with me.

"I hope to God she is. She hit her head pretty good, has a slow intracranial hemorrhage, a few broken ribs and several bruises." I say and I now realize I am wearing grey sweatpants in the hospital. Calum turns angry at me and I feel my whole world has collapsed. 

"What happened?" He asks me again raising his voice and I feel like I really deserve this. I deserve any hint of happiness being taken away from me. I broke his trust, I lost my best friend in this fucking world and now I was inches away of losing her.

"She had a car crash." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Cal, I did everything to make sure she is safe, I promise you. If i knew this would happen, I would not have let her drive alone tonight. " I say and mean every word.

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