Chapter 25

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(A/n: at the end of this chapter there is a contest if you are interested in a one-shot written by me for you with any guy from 5 seconds of summer)

Y/n's POV

"You are going to be okay. I promise."

"God, I love you so much I don't even know how to wrap my head around this. I wish it was me. Your CT scan and your MRI look all better now. You are beautiful and healthy inside out, apart from a few bruises that are still healing. I made you a playlist with the songs I know you love. So here it is ..."

"Hey Sweetie. I brought your favorite coffee. Your mother finally has left your side and let me come here. I am sorry for everything. I was mad, I felt betrayed by the people I loved the most, but I never meant to hurt you. I don't know if you can hear me, but uhm, I am sorry. I just wanted the best for my girl. I could never be mad at you. I just ... I love you."

"Boooo, dude, you should wake up. If not for us, at least for Ashton. He's a total mess, I mean he is a fucking mess. Dude mistook June with November, he's beard makes him look like Santa, blonde Santa but still... We miss you."

"Y/n ... I don't know what you're dreaming or even if you are aware I am here, but I sort of wanted to thank you. It's been two weeks since your accident and also two weeks since me and Mike started going out, I guess I have to thank you for that. I also think it's our fault. If we weren't being two idiots you would not have been in this situation. Ash is here non-stop though, I could hardly get a hold of you alone. I am starting to think he is worse than me and Mike thought."

Darkness and silence make my body float in an infinite void. No rainbows, no unicorns, no angels, no demons, just utter complete nothing. Sometimes far away sounds creep in and I feel a strange comfort wrap around my body. 

Today I felt the smell of flowers and I even felt a tingling sensation on my face. The darkness became a strange brown-orange. I heard a familiar voice ring inside my head. Where am I? What is happening? I feel my lids heavy pressing on my eyes and I try to move them but the light blinds me so I close them again.

"Y/n? oh finally. Hey." I hear my favorite voice so clear now. Nothing but a weird murmur escapes my throat and I feel something being removed from my mouth. I feel my throat so dry, it hurts.

"What is ?"  I whisper but nothing comes out anymore and I try to open my eyes once again. I see Ashton besides me smiling and I don't understand what is happening. I feel my lids and body so heavy and I let the darkness take me again, falling asleep.

I see my hands on the steering wheel and feel my body losing control of the car. Screw inertia, I feel my head banging on the wheel. Why didn't the airbags blow up? Why was I in the car?

"Michael." I whisper to myself trying to open my eyes. I hear a voice, several voice chuckle and all I see are blurred figures. "Michael and Hayden are two idiots." I continue and feel my hand touched.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty. You are okay. You were in a car accident. You are in the hospital. You are fine." I see the blurry figure become Ashton and I smile looking at him. 

"Hey sweetie." I turn my head and I see my dad. What is he doing here?

"Hey." I smile and I feel my eyes heavy again, but I don't want to fall asleep. It's the first time I am seeing my dad and Ashton in the same room, not fighting.

"Your mom went home to bring you some clothes. Michael and Hayden are outside waiting to talk to you. Do you want to see them?" My dad asks and I try so hard to stay awake. I shake my head.

"No." I look at the both of them trying to smile. Ashton is holding my right hand and dad is holding my other hand. This is perfect. I don't want them to ever leave my side. I cannot control my body and I feel my eyes closed again.

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