Chapter 15

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[Ashton's pov]

"Someone's moody today." Miriam states from across the room.
"You don't say." I throw my jacket on the chair and i sit on the armchair.
"Cup of tea and explain?" She asks and i sigh shaking my head.
"Ok, got it." She takes a beer from the fridge and i give her a weak smile.
"It's over." I say and she nods not saying anything else about the subject.
"So my boss offered me a promotion. I'm thinking of taking it." She smiles and i look confused at her.
"Same offer as the last time?" I ask her and she nods.
"Plus a zero." She doesn't seem happy or sad.
"I thought you didn't want it the last time he'd offered." I tilt my head and she shakes her head.
"I didn't, but the change will be good. Change is good." She speaks and i nod.
"You'll be working at night too."
I state not understanding why she even considers taking it. Money was never a problem.
"Exactly... i love going to work and don't get me wrong but there's not really a thing for me to come back home to." She says and i sigh. Was i wrong not to fight for us longer? Was i wrong when i let all my attention fall on Y/n? Was there any chance for my marriage to work and I totally blew it?

Y/n's pov

That was it i guess. That was my last real conversation with Ashton. A lot of things have changed and now, but i still avoid the dinners where i know he'll be there or mostly any event i know he's gonna attend.
"Why on Earth are you doing that to yourself?" I hear Hayden ask as I'm laying in her bed.
"I'm not doing anything." I say clueless of what she's regarding about.
"Exactly. It's not you."
"I don't understand." I say furrowing my brows.
"You're the one who usually has an obsession over a guy... it's been a month now and I haven't heard you talk obsessively about anyone... I'm really starting to get worried." She softly laughs at the last part. I look at Hayden and sigh.
"You know how my obsessive obsessions go. Nothing lasts more than a few weeks."
"I know... that's why you're starting to worry me, ever since Ashton you've been acting weird. And you talked differently about him..." she speaks and i sigh because i know she can't understand.
"I'm not... I guess... I don't know." I speak and she raises an eyebrow.
"I hope you didn't fall in love because that would be the biggest mistake you ever made."
"Oh my god! No! He was just another guy... " i speak and she nods.
"Was he?"
"Yes Hayden, if anything, it was more interesting because of the adrenaline of my parents not finding out, but it's over now so there is really no problem."

You know that saying. Life goes on whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could've been.
I chose not to look behind and for that i had to move on, to stop seeing Dr Hot.
My best friend thought i was not ok, but despite her thinking. I was ok with everything.  I was ok with not seeing him. I was ok with leaving the house when there were family dinners. Everything was starting to get normal for the month that passed since i last talked to Dr Hot... until last night. When I finally decided it was time to stay at the dinner my parents invited their friends to, Dr Hot decided not to show up. I can't deny. I was somehow disappointed. And i felt something i couldn't understand. I was ready to see him and yet i was relieved he didn't come.
My best friend taunted me and so to show  her i really mean it when i say I'm fine, I decided to go to the club tonight. And as always.. I'm hoping for some action that i will write about later. Kisses. -I.J.

I sigh placing my laptop on the desk and i look through my closet searching for some clothes to wear.

"Y/n. We gotta go." I see Ashton enter the room and i furrow my brows.
"What? Where?" I ask confused.
"I'm taking you home. It won't serve Hayden any good if you spend the remaining of this night worrying pointlessly." He tells me and i shake my head.
"No. I'm staying with her." I protest and i see Luke interrupting our little argument.
"Y/n, you can go. I'll stay with her and call you when she wakes up. Doctor's right. You should probably go home and get some rest."
"No butts. It's your dad's order. Come on." Ashton tells me and i scoff rolling my eyes.
"Ok." I give Luke my phone number and leave.
As i close the door to Ashton's car i open my mouth.
"You know my dad would've let me stay in the hospital." I look at him slightly confused.
"Yeah, not dressed like that with a guy in the same room."
...end of flashback...

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