Chapter 12

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"So?" Michael asks curious and i shake my head not really knowing what to say.
"Michael if you want to ask me something just ask me." I finally say not being able to hold it in anymore.
"Ok." He laughs opening the door for me.
"Are you really Dr Hood's daughter?" As he asks me my whole body relaxes and I can't believe i let my paranoia take me places.
"Yeah. Are you gonna judge me by that now?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"Why would i?" He asks and i stop walking.
"One would simply not reply another with another question." I smile and he smirks.
"Ok Sherlock. I was not gonna judge. I think it's really awesome that you chose to have the same career as your father. "
"Really?" I laugh starting to walk again towards that bagel place Michael wanted us to go to.
"Yeah. Honestly i hope that if i was to have a daughter she would look up to me and pick up the right things from me." His words make me smile and i nod.

Not going to lie. This week was not really the best one I've got. The thought of the Doctor doing the things he does to me to other girls kills me. Ok maybe not kill, but I can't say I'm indifferent. Tonight i have to meet him, but the thoughts of him having other plans tonight makes me act like a jealous girlfriend. This is not good.

I type in and then erase it all. I need to call Hayden. I can't think right now.
I pick up the phone and she answers immediately.
"Yes?" She picks up and i have no idea how to tell her or what to tell her.
"Can you come over?" I ask and it takes about a few seconds and she tells me she's on her way. I sit in bed and wait for her to come at my place and i think about what exactly to say.

It doesn't take more that fifteen minutes and she arrives. "Hey." She comes into my room and i gesture for her to come and sit next to me.
"What did Dr Irwin do?" She asks knowing me better.
"Not what he did... what he keeps on doing to me." I smile trying not to sound too weird about my jealousy.
"Uhh, well that sounds kinky. 50 shades of Irwin now?" She smirks and i laugh at her remark. She knows i hate that book and yet she keeps teasing me.
"No way in hell more like one shade of me being confusingly jealous." I sigh pulling my legs closer to my chest.
"Well, understandable." Her words scratch my eardrums and i tilt my head wanting ger to explain.
"He's hot and smart and oh well.. he's not that old either." She says the words I feared i'd hear and i just sigh.
"But also he's been married at least for the last decade. So I'm betting he's not doing other women, so relax." Hayd smiles at me and i nod wanting to believe her. But when i think how he is around me is hard for me not to think he has his way around other girls too.
"Ok. Let's go downstairs. I want some coffee now." I smirk and she laughs knowing i will go at his apartment at midnight.

We go to the kitchen and i see dad in the living room wearing a suit and tie and I can't stop myself from asking him where on earth is he going now. Mom smiles at my question and shakes her head.
"Hello Dr Hood, Mrs Hood." Hayden smiles politely and dad waves at us.
"Hey Hayden." They both say and mom adds.
"Hayden for the hundredth time, please call me Phoebe, i feel so old." Mom complains a little and Hayden nods smiling.
"Seriously dad, where are you going?"
"Going out for a beer with Ashton. Now your mother here says it's better if i lose the tie, tell her she's wrong." Dad responds and having Hayden here i feel blood rushing to my cheeks at the mention of Ashton but also a wave of relief spreads into my body.
"Dad, lose the tie and two buttons of your shirt. You're going for a beer not at a conference." I smile and mom nods clearly agreeing with me.
"That's what i told him." She now shakes her head to my dad and i laugh my dad giving in.
"I don't want all the attention on me girls." He jokes clearly loving himself and i roll my eyes playfully as he takes off the tie.
"Sure you don't. Why aren't you dressed?" I ask mom as i focus my attention on making coffee.
"Cause it's boys night out. Now of you excuse me, I'm your father I don't have to tell you anything." Dad quickly cuts me off laughing. He comes and gives me a kiss on the head and after he kisses mom goodbye he leaves.
"We're going to the Flow tomorrow night? Wanna come?" Hayden asks as i pour the coffee.
"You? As in..?" I remark her use of the word "we"
"Me, Mike, Taylor, and the twins, Jessy and Freya." She says and I realize i missed a lot as all the names are new to me.
"And who might this people be?" I laugh sort of embarrassed I don't know them.
"They're in our class. You have to know at least Michael, he said he spoke to you the other days." She explains and i nod remembering him. I didn't know Hayden knew them by their nicknames already.
"Yeah, I'll come." I smile and I can't seem to lose the smile.
"You're suddenly in a good mood." She notices and i nod.
"Oh right, he's going out with your dad, there's nothing to worry about." She remarks and i nod sipping on my coffee.
"So now that nothing's on your mind. We need to talk." She adds and i get confused.
"What happened?" I ask and she smirks.
"Cut the worry face, there's nothing to worry about, if anything, everything is better than ever." She laughs and now I'm intrigued.
"Alright, who's the guy?" I raise my brow going in the living room sitting on the couch.
"Taylor. He's great and I think he likes me too. I mean there's been some flirting around and that's why i want you to come tomorrow night. Need your seal of approval." She smiles and i nod now really wanting to see the guy.
"I don't remember having a Taylor in our class though." I smile and Hayden shakes her head.
"That's because he's not in our class." She smirks again and i furrow my brows.
"He's in the third year, but he saw me on the hallway and he started talking to me and we get along so well, I've never pictured it when i first saw him, but now it's like I can't go a day without talking to him. " She explains to me so happy and this is the first time and the closest saw her of falling in love with someone.
"He sounds nice. But if you like him that much, why do you even need my seal of approval? As long as he makes you happy, I approve it."
"Yeah but you always read people and i want to know your opinion on this." Hayden smiles and i feel so happy to hear this. It's good to know my opinion matters for her.

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