Chapter 27

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I am so confused I cannot even cry. I walk to Hayden's and I see a car turning around. It stops the the window rolls over.

"You okay?" I see Hayden driving and I get in. It feels like I have lost all sense of direction. 

"I am ... not." I say looking ahead and she throws me her pack of cigarettes.

"You look like you need one." She says and I look at the pack taking a cigarette out. I look on the window and see my reflection in it. My face shows no emotion. I don't even know how am I supposed to feel right now.

"What happened?" She asks me as I light the cigarette. 

"Just, drive please." I say and she nods driving to our spot. I smoke that cigarette and Hayden stops the car. We step out of it and I look at the beautiful lake, Hayden and I used to come here when we were little. 

"He broke up with me." I say looking at the lake and Hayden stops moving.

"Ashton?" She asks confused, we both are.

"I don't feel it. You know, I don't feel anything. I should be angry and scream or really hurt and cry my eyes out, but I don't feel it. None of it. What is wrong with me?" I ask her and she gulps.

"Maybe you are still in shock. Why did he break up with you? Is he stupid?" She asks and I shrug lighting another cigarette.

"I don't know, the minute I stepped out of there, I stopped feeling anything. He said we are better off like this, right after shoving that Ava woman in my face and telling me he slept with her." I explain and I feel Hayden get angry.

"That son of a bitch. I'll rip him to shreds. How could he do that?" She asks me and I look confused at her.

"They didn't sleep together." I say blankly looking at her. "He just wants me to believe that." I add and she looks confused.

"She was there, he is an asshole even if he didn't sleep with her." Hayden comes and wraps her arms around me, but I don't understand this feeling of calm that took over me. I am okay.

"Can you give me a ride home? I need to study for my last two exams." I whisper as she hugs me and I see her nodding. She doesn't know what to tell me. I don't even now  what I want to hear.

As I get home I go to my room and open my books and get some coffee, so my studying will be more effective. I get started with Histology courses and after I read them all I realize it's night. I should eat something. I go downstairs and see mom in the kitchen pouring some wine.

"Hey sweetie. How are you?" She asks me and I shrug.

"I finished reading all of my Histology books. After tomorrow, I will be done with it and I think I will be able to study for Anatomy too, just in time for the re-sits." I smile and mom chuckles.

"Wow, you are so you father's daughter." She shows me the bottle of wine like asking me if I need a glass, but I shake my head. 

"I'm hungry." I explain and go to the fridge. I look through it and I don't even know what to eat.

"Oh, I made a strawberry banana smoothie." Mom recalls and I look on the counter seeing it.

"Perfect." I say pouring some in a glass. I drop a straw and go sit on the couch next to my mom.

"Y/n, I never go to apologize to you." Mom takes a deep breath, but I shake my head not wanting to hear apologies. 

"Mom, you did what you thought was best, you have nothing to apologize for. You were the only one who I felt was a bit on my side too. I know you can't lie to dad and I am the one who's sorry for putting you in that position." I say knowing mom never meant to hurt me. She smiles and wraps her arms around me pulling me closer to her.

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