Chapter 22

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It wasn't Barcelona that week, it was not even a different State. It was a little horse farm right outside of the city. He said he wanted to take me somewhere he feels peaceful. He said he wants to feel a little disconnected to the whole world so we can be alone, away from all the judging eyes from all the people thinking the age difference is more important than what you actually feel when you are with that person. 

I was one of those people, before I met him I was just as superficial. Now, watching him pet a horse, away from all his suits, from all the titles he has, away from everything, I see him. One arrow crosses my heart and every train of thoughts is carrying him in my mind creating a sweet memory of his gentle smile and curly blonde hair. His childish soft face and his hazel eyes are going to be graved in my mind forever. His voice forever making the goosebumps show on my bare skin as chills would spread down my spine. He is not that different to me. 

"What?" He asks smiling looking down into my eyes and he pats the horse. "I really love this." I smile letting my hand travel on Missy's mane. "She loves you." Ashton smiles and I nod. "I think I love her too." Missy is such a beautiful horse, white with little splashes of black. I love the unique pattern on her. 

"How about ride her?" He asks and I feel a little weird, I haven't done this since I was little. Ashton opens the door to her space and takes her outside in a little garden surrounded by a wooden fence. He preps her up as he apparently knows how to do that and the owner of the farm treats him like he is family. 

Ashton helps me get on the horse and this feeling is amazing. He teaches me how to become one with the horse and put all my fears aside as the horse feels everything I do. After I gain all the control, he gets on another horse and we go for a walk. 

"So this is what you do in your free time?" I ask as we're riding the horses side by side. "Mostly when I want to be alone." He says and I nod. "Who's farm is this?" I ask and he smiles. "My brother's, Harry." He tells me and I feel that now he let's me in in his life, all of his life. "Oh, so he is your brother. Does he know about ...?" I ask not exactly knowing how to continue and Ashton smiles.

"About us? Yeah, he doesn't care as long as we're happy." He tells me and I nod. "I did not know you had a brother." I smile and he laughs. "A sister too. She lives in New York, big ass lawyer, we rarely see each other." he says and I don't know what to say. I realize there are still a lot of things I did not know about him. There is a whole world I don't know about him and yet for some reason it doesn't bother me. I love everything about this man.

"I wish I had a sister." I smile thinking about how fun would that be. To always have a friend you live in the same house, who knows all your secrets and you know all of hers. I smile at the thought of growing up with a sister. 

"Well you do. Hayden, right?" He says and I nod sighing. "Yeah, but it's not exactly the same as having a real sister." I smile and he shakes his head. "Well I consider more of a family member Calum then I ever did Lauren. I mean, maybe you would have not got along with your sister. So maybe it's all for the better that you don't have one." He winks and I nod. Maybe. I would never know anyway. 

"I suppose." I smile to him riding our horses around the farm.

Calum's POV (a/n: honestly I am so nervous writing from this point of view.)

"Babe, I was thinking." I speak catching my wife's attention as she seems a little busy writing another presentation for her investors. She looks at me while taking a sip of the wine in the glass she is holding. 

"We should invite Miriam and Ashton to the dinner Jack and Joe are coming." I say and she clears her throat shaking her head. "You don't think it's a good idea?" I ask her and she gulps. 

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