Chapter 6

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So you all wonder what happened?
I honestly don't remember. One minute we're sucking on each other's faces, next he's out the door. But let me back it up a little for you.

"So tell me." He says breaking the kiss leaving me confused.
"Huh?" I ask out of breath still straddling his lap.
"Tell me you didn't think about it." He whispers gently brushing his lips agains mine. Little bit of alcohol taste still on his mouth.
"But i did." I can't use my words right now. All i want to do is feel him. I'm finally here with him. I crash my lips onto his and i feel him tightening his grip on my body.

The kiss breaks suddenly as my phone rings so loud and when i see my dad's name popping up I immediately move 3 feet away from Ashton.
"Hey dad." I say and I catch Ashton squeezing his eyes closed.
"Hey sweetie. Is Ashton still at our house?" I hear my dad on the line and i feel my hear in my neck.
"Yeah? Why?" I ask partially scared that he somehow sensed what was happening here.
"Can you please put him on the phone? I need to talk to him, or tell him to call me, cause he didn't pick up." At this point my heart is racing so fast.
" Yeah sure. Wait just a minute." I say and mute my phone so that my dad doesn't hear me anymore
"My dad wants to talk to you. Said he called you and you didn't pick up." I smile awkwardly and i see Ashton checking his phone muttering a 'shit'.
"Well just give me your phone." Ashton requests and i unmute the device.
"Hello?" Ashton says and i hear my dad talking something I just can't exactly understand anything.
"Yeah, i just had my phone on silent ... No... Yeah.. I'm really-fine. I'm fine... No seriously. You don't have to come and ruin your trip. Don't worry about me man... I'm ok... Mhm... Sure... You know I will..." He smiles at me in a different way now, more like the smile my dad gives me.
"Bye Cal." He hangs up and quickly presses his lips into a thin line. I feel the tension rising above like a cloud spreading itself in my whole room.

"So what was so important?" I ask out of curiosity, but more like to break the awkward silence.
"Nothing. He just checked up on me. He was afraid i might have done something stupid. I guess he knows me all too well." Ashton is serious. I gulp looking at him.
"You did nothing wrong." I state wanting him to feel a little more relaxed but in the same tine not wanting to sound too desperate.
He sighs looking at the floor.

"There are a million things wrong with what happened. I'm sorry i started it. I guess i'm clearly not thinking straight. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or awkward or in anyway.. I just. You're Calum's daughter and i'm still married and i'm broken and i don't want to make you feel used. I don't- i can't. You're like my daughter. You deserve a great guy, a guy who loves you, not, not this." He points at him and i just gulp confused.
"I guess... But i don't feel used, it wasn't like only you'd get the pleasure out of this, so don't even say that 'using you' thing. That's just completely wrong." I smile furrowing a brow.
"I know and you're right, but i just can't imagine Calum fucking my hypothetical daughter. I can't do that to him. It would- no- it's wrong. I'm sorry." He seems so confused right now and i just smile.
"You don't have to apologize. It's ok Ash." I nod reassuring him. I just hope it won't get anymore awkward than right now.
"It's not. I shouldn't have done what i did and said what i said, I'm such an idiot. Please forgive me." He seems genuinely sorry and i start to feel quite awkward.

So i just couldn't even see him for a month. That's exactly how much time it took me just to process everything that happened that night. That's why i'm writing about this only now. I was too ashamed of what happened not that we kissed, but because i let him know how much i wanted him and never received what i actually wanted... Him.
You may wonder how everything worked out in the end. Well long story short. I went to that party on Friday, that hot icy blue eyed bartender told me about. I danced and i kept flirting with him until it lead to further more that just flirting.
University started and now it's a whole different world. I wrote about my first experiences in college and we all know how good it is for me. It's actually what made me move on from the whole Friend of my parents situation.
And to keep you updated with everything, he actually got back with his wife, deciding a divorce was too extreme, which i thought to be hilarious. Something told me that he felt so guilty of what he let happen between us that he couldn't bear it so he just decided to give it another try with his wife. Honestly i'm happy for them, but i know he's not happy in that marriage... Anyway, at least something good came out of all of this guys. Me and that hot bartender, Robert. Yes, that's his name, he finally decided to ask me out on a proper date two days ago. We kept going in the club this month and we kissed and fucked quite a lot, but after last night, i think we might be on to something more serious. Anyway, Halloween party tonight and I'll be at my favorite club, Flow so i wish everyone a Happy Halloween and thanks for reading my blog. Inna out for tonight. Xoxo

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