Chapter 30

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(A/n: this chapter contains a lot of medical terms. I tried to make it as real as I could, but I never went to Medical School, so don't judge me if I get things wrong. I am an engineer, not a physician. :D )

It's official. Another year has passed and I officially graduated Med school today. Right now I am getting ready for the party that is held in honor of finishing the hardest six years of school. I cannot wait to finally work in the hospital as an intern.

I stare at the screen of my laptop and I decide not to post the paragraph, I should wait until the party so I can have a little more to write about. I go take a shower and start getting ready for the party. I put on a red dress I bought for the party and some high heels after I do my hair and make up. Hayden and Michael text me telling me they are waiting me in the car and so I go downstairs.

I hear laughter and voices as I take a few steps on the stairs and I realize he is here. I put on a smile on my face as I come to meet their faces and I see his Natalie in the living room too.

"Oh, hey Y/n, Congratulations!" Ashton comes to greet me with flowers and I smile. "I am sorry I could not get at your graduation in time, but we were pretty all over the place with moving in our apartment." He apologizes as he comes closer to me.

"It's okay. Thank you for these." I smile and he kisses my cheek. For a second I feel my cheek tingling but I try not to give to much attention to that as I see Natalie coming to hug me as well.

"Congratulations deary." she smiles hugging me.

"Thank you." I smile looking at them both. "I would love to stay and talk, but Michael and Hayden are waiting for me in the car." I explain and Ashton smiles walking me outside.

I see my friends smiling and the Ashton gets out of my house, their faces drop. I am laughing on the inside as this happens. Michael gets out of the car to shake Ashton's hand and Hayden gets out as well to hug me.

"What is the meaning of this?" She whispers hugging me.

"Nothing. We'll talk later." I smile whispering and she nods.

"Hey Hayd, what's with that rock on your hand?" I hear Ashton asking and I smile letting him hug her.

"Property of Michael Clifford now." Hayden jokes kissing Ashton on the cheek.

"Oh, I suppose congratulations are in order then." Ash winks to Mike and they laugh.

"Yeah thanks man, how are you? We heard you're moving back in the city, is it true?" Michael asks and I get a feeling of nostalgia back to when the four of us used to hang out.

"Yes, I am moving back, I just finished dropping all the boxes to the apartment. Now I have to deal with those." Ashton speaks and Michael chuckles.

"Yeah I get you, when Hayden moved in it was a mess for two whole days. After dealing with those boxes and placing everything where it belongs, we were so satisfied." Mike tells him and Ashton smiles looking at me.

"I bet. I don't want to keep your friends waiting any more. It was so good seeing you guys. Have fun at the party." Ashton smiles to all three of us and Michael shakes his hand.

"Looking forward to working with you." Michael says and I feel like someone just dropped a bomb in front of me. Him moving here it means he takes back his job at the hospital too. When I applied to have my internship at the St Andrews hospital I never thought Ashton will work there. I somehow assumed I will only have to just deal with my father there.

I hop in the car and for the most ride I am silent. Looking in the front seats at my best friends I envy what they have, because I want to have that too. I want someone to look at me the way Mike looks at Hayden and I want to be so completely in love the way Hayden still is with Michael. Maybe it's not written for me to have something like that. Maybe I am one of those people who should simply focus on their career.

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