{5}I Can't Wait

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It was the next day, and Jack had recorded videos all morning until he was ready with enough for PAX.

"IN THE NEXT VIDEOOOO" yelled Jack, finishing his outro for the last video he needed. "Finally done," Jack muttered quietly to himself.

His phone buzzed from his desk, he grabbed it and saw it was from Ken. It read, "Hey man! lemme tell you about the Revelmode panel."

Jack replied, "Sure dooder what's the plan?"

Ken sent, "I'm planning for a game of truth or dare for the panel, what do ya think?"

Jack typed, "oooo that should be fun! Probably a bit dangerous tho" "That's what makes it so great! Here's how it'll work; one person from the audience will give a dare or a truth to one person at a time, and we have to sign a sort of contract that says we're being truthful, AND that we have to do all dares as long as it doesn't involve murder," said Ken

"Hahaha you're kidding right? I'm not sure if I should be excited or scared, someone's gonna die man." texted Jack.

"Hopefully Felix. Anyways, I've got to go, I just thought I'd tell you man," said Ken "Thanks Ken, seeya" texted Jack "Bye, see you soon buddy," said Ken.

Jack said aloud, "oohhh boy, this should be interesting"

~time skip to tomorrow morning~

It was three hours until Jack's flight when he woke up today, and he still wasn't packed. So he quickly got himself together and put on some clothes.

He then tossed a bunch of his clothes into a pile and put them in his small suitcase. After a little bit he had packed his bag fully, and his bedside clock read 7:24 am.

"I shouldn't leave for another half an hour ughh," thought Jack, "I wanna go noww.." He decided to look and see what people were commenting and replying within the couple of days he had avoided answering them.

He went on Twitter first and instantly saw that most of his replies to his tweet a couple days ago were something like, "JACK R U OK" or, "Jack come back, we're worried"

Jack's first thoughts were, "shit what did I do, I know they worry too much. I'm being vague again."

He quickly sent out a tweet saying. "Nobody has to worry about me, everything is fine here! I'm going on my flight to Seattle pretty soon, can't wait to meet some of you guys!!"

After it had posted, Jack flopped down on his bed and went on his YouTube app.

Jack replied to some comments on his latest videos until it was 7:56, when he couldn't wait any longer to leave.

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