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Jack was caught off guard by what they said, he never thought that he'd have to answer a question like that. It seemed so random, and so sudden, but still he knew what he had to tell everyone.

Hundreds of people were staring right at him, whispering to each other. Jack felt himself turn a deeper shade of pink as the question rung in his head for a minute. He wasn't totally sure how to say what he wanted to.

"Umm," stuttered Jack as a total silence fell over two thousand people, "Well, I'd say..." he looked down at the table and scratched the back of his head.

Jack pushed out the last words, "...that I'm bi...?" Those words seemed to echo throughout the theatre. Not a single person in the whole audience spoke for just a second.

He was slumped over and avoiding looking at anyone, with the feeling of a pit in his stomach.

"oh my GOD!" The person at the microphone broke the lingering silence, tossing their hands in the air. Suddenly everyone began cheering, and the person at the microphone tried to say something else, but too many people were making noise.

Jack's eyebrows raised when he looked back up and around, watching as almost everyone in the audience cheering excitedly. He felt sort of embarrassed about people cheering so much just because he said a little truth.

Jack didn't know what he should of expected, but he did know his honest answer wasn't expected by most everyone here.

Jack laughed nervously as Ken forcefully patted Jack's back while saying, "Good for you Jack." "Ayyyy," Felix said, proudly smiling at him. People on stage clapped as well, and Jack's smile returned and he laughed more genuinely.

"Wow, thank you guys," Jack said, still surprised. "LOVE YOU JACK!" someone yelled from the audience, so Jack formed a little heart with his fingers and giggled.

Everyone seemed to be slowly returning to normal order, so Ken said, "Well alright then! I guess that lands us at Pj's turn."

The words that Ken were starting to say were drowned out when Jack's eyes landed on Mark.
Mark's eyes were planted staring at the floor, a blank expression stuck on his face.

Jack wanted to say "Mark?" and find out what was going through his head, but everyone was here. They were still in the middle of a panel, he couldn't just say Mark's name.

Jack's eyes shifted to the audience again, and he caught a glimpse of some of his friends in the front row, waving at him.

Jack gave a quick wave back, and saw Amy on the end. She looked more nervous than Jack felt now, which made him uneasy.

Jack shook it off and noticed Mark was starting to get back to his regular self.

Mark quickly looked up from the floor, at Jack. For a second they made eye contact, but then both immediately looked away from each other.

Jack felt himself blushing even more as he moved his attention to the current main event, Pj's dare.

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